Saturday-Sunday, January 17-18

Mark and I are enjoying a "down" day on a very pretty Sunday in Marathon.    We so enjoyed Luke's visit and then his Mommy and Daddy, followed by Allie and Owen who left today for home. backtrack!   

Saturday - Mark and I went to the fitness center and did our exercising.   Allie and Owen picked us up at 9:45 and we had another wonderful breakfast at Sunset Grille.   Jane and Joe are having a low-key day to get Joe all back up to par!    We miss having them with us, but doctor says he needs to rest and that is definitely the thing to do!    Allie and I shopped a little, and then we went to the Turtle Hospital which was a 90-minute tour and very interesting.    We've driven past this place many times but never stopped.   They take in sea turtles who have been injured (boat motors is big culprit); ingesting many foreign objects (plastic bags, another culprit), cancer and so many other injuries, illnesses, etc.
It was a very popular tourist attraction this Saturday with around 40 just in our group.  

One of many turtles we saw all named and in various stages of health, some to be released, and some are permanent residents.

On the other side of the fence from the turtles, saw this iguana hanging out which drew lots of snapshots from the crowd
From the turtles, we walked around beautiful Tranquility Bay.

Pat and Allie
We drove to Kandios for ice cream treats and then to Jane and Joe's.   Mark played dominoes with the girls (he won) while Owen and Joe visited.   Lots of fun!!!!    Allie, Owen, Mark and I then went to Cabana Breezes for dinner - good food, but slow service from Peggy!
Sunday - We picked Jane up for 8:00 Mass at San Pablo.    Love the priest, Father Rivera - so friendly, loud and welcoming with his big booming voice!    Back to Jane's and said "Hello" to Joe who is staying put today (2 big games on TV).   Rest of us were off to The American Legion (open to the public) for an excellent breakfast.   J and J had told us about this - $7 for so much food and you choose eggs (style and how many), meat, toast, potatoes, pancakes, French Toast, coffee, juice, etc.   
We left there stuffed and happy.
Took these photos after breakfast with a beautiful backdrop...
Pat - Allie - Jane

Allie and Owen
Said our good-byes back at J and J's as Allie and Owen are headed back to Northport.    Looking forward to seeing them in February (Venice) and March (Fort Myers) if all works out.    We 6 had sooo much fun, sooo many laughs and they are just the best of friends!!! 
  Thanks so much for making the trip, Allie and Owen!
My parents shared 71 1/2 years of marriage - today would've been their
76th wedding anniversary!
It is 9:30 and we are back home from watching the movie "Unbroken" at the Marathon Cinema - small, but wow.....swivel chairs with tables, wine, beer, popcorn and other treats.    Been several years since we've been to a movie - times have certainly changed! 
Mark and I read "Unbroken" several months ago - true story that was very sobering.    The movie was well done, but if we had to choose, would prefer the book.   At any rate, if you have the chance....check out the book and or movie.
Unbelievable what Louis Zamperini endured and survived.   
A REAL Powerhouse!
Glad to hear Allie and Owen are home safe 'n sound!
Wishing you a safe, healthy week ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat: Bob saw the movie last week and enjoyed it very much. He is surprised that he has never heard about this remarkable man. Will tell him you thought the book was better as most of the time that is the case. I did not go since I am still under the weather with back problems. Go to physical therapist tomorrow and will see what she has to say about all my pain. Pain is so much better, but what caused it in the first place is my question. MRI showed very little to cause so much pain. Anyway, I am better and hopefully will be back to doing normal things. Did get to see all three boys' play basketball this weekend and that was the first time I had been out in a week. Just saw your Blog in awhile and saw that you had seen Unbroken.

Have a good week. Love, Judy