Tuesday - December 27

Woke up to foggy conditions here on Wadmalaw Island.     I slept 12 hours last night - Zyrtec really knocked me out, but not sure I'm making any headway with this cold.    Sorry to hear Brooke is dealing with a nasty one, too.  Spent a big chunk of the day blowing the ole nose, but in between little cat naps, we made some good waves putting away our clothes and stuff.
At noon we took a break and went to Johns Island for lunch at El Mercadito and then grocery shopped.   Mark got the truck and trailer parked and ready for Philip to take off on New Year's Eve.

Hoping to leave tomorrow for Beaufort, SC.

The Blue Angels announced their top air show for 2016 and the award goes to
Cherry Point, North Carolina.    We were there with Brooke's parents, brother and family on
April 30th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have a cold. Yes, Brooke was dealing with it over Christmas and Bob too. He had started coughing and blowing nose earlier in the week. Do hope I can escape all the crud. Finally read your blog after about a week to catch up with all your news.
I had read about the top Blue Angel show being Cherry Point and so glad we chose that one to see this year. It was a great show even though the weather was a little chilly and you were dealing with that cold. Scott, Leigh, Cooper and Caroline talk about it all the time. They thoroughly enjoyed their weekend. What an honor to see the Blues perform two times this year.
Sure enjoyed having Ryan with us over Christmas. We played a lot of cards, watched movies, football games and ate our way through three days of BLISS.
Nan is still hanging on and we are amazed at her strength through her illness. Talked with Jeff today and he says he feels that she does not recognize them most of the time but did wave her hand at them when they said goodbye yesterday. The people at the Hospice are amazed too. It is so hard on her family to endure I know. I just feel so bad for Jeff, Cindy and Whitney.
We woke up to very foggy weather here today too, but finally saw a little sun in the afternoon. Cool and cloudy over Christmas and Christmas Eve too, but the kids played games and really enjoyed being together over Christmas. They all get along so well. I know Coop and Brady would loved to have had Liam and Conner with them to play. So sorry they are sick and hope they feel better soon.
Miss Priss was in fine form over the Holiday and loved, loved, loved her new Barbie house and all the presents. She told me one morning that she loved her new Barbie house. She got all of her cooking items together and told us she wanted to stir, roll, mush, yes mush and cut cookies with her new shapes and utensils. Of course, all this was done while singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. She is one busy, determined, stubborn little lady. Precious!!!
Happy New Year and safe travels on Catrina to warmer weather I hope. Love, JudyB