Saturday - October 12

 The perfect way to start the day - nice cozy fire to take off the chill in Philip and Annette's sunroom!

Warm 'n comfy

Mark and Philip were helping a neighbor with his docks - soo many docks in need of repair!    And with all the debris and other stuff in the water...Lake James authorities are banning pleasure boating for awhile?

Luke and I went for a nice long walk this gorgeous morning - Annie, Annette and Maeve walked in a different direction.  Enjoyed visiting with Luke one on one - he's really growing into a nice young man at 11.   Love hearing what he has to say.

Luke and Grandma enjoying nature

I got our laundry all caught up.    After lunch, Maeve, Mark and I went to Flo at Michael's to return clean laundry and get a few things - chatted with Michael a bit.    Brooke and Blair are at the camp.   Philip, Annette and Annie were visiting friends and watching some football.

Blair at the top - cheering on her Liberty Middle School football team

Drew ran a 1/2 marathon today in Cedar Rapids!   Congrats!

Maeve enjoyed some pampering - Annie did her hair and Grandma gave her a mani pedi
And she did this puzzle with very little help from Grandma!

Annette and Annie made a delicious dinner - jalapeno poppers for starters and then chicken enchiladas.  Their friend Steve came for dinner and then some rousing games of euchre.    Also had chocolate mousse desserts from Costco and Maeve surprised us with chocolate-covered strawberries and grapes!

Annie and Annette whipping up goodies in the kitchen!

Notre Dame and Iowa both won today - yeah!!!


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