Saturday, January 29

We were very sad this morning to hear that our niece, Jennifer's father-in-law passed away last night.    He was only 53 and had some serious health issues recently, but was doing much better.   He died of a blood clot in his heart.   We are soooo sorry, Miss Jenny and Jake.

The skies were that gorgeous deep cerulean blue and temps in the low 70's.....we rode our bikes downtown where lots of activity was happening on 5th Avenue.  The street was blocked off with families and others painting and showing off their artistic talents while live music played.  A fashion show from various shops was fun with all these itty bitty bodies in casual to ultra fancy attire entertained the throngs!

Some of the artists doing their thing

I browsed some of the shops and just enjoyed walking around while Mark sat in the sun and read.    We got back on our bikes and rode to 3rd Street (more good shopping) and had wonderful lunch at Tommy Bahamas.   We rode around the beautiful neighborhoods, down to the beach and back to Daisy
 (8.5 miles total).

Naples beach

Saw this interesting "tall" and "skinny" evergreen along our ride (check out that BLUE sky)

Tonight we did the webcam with Anne, Liam and Connor - fun!

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