Saturday, April 16

Burrr......cold, windy, rainy day.    We drove to Mendota to see Dad.    He was having a pretty good day - continued back pain, but drugs are helping.   I massaged his achy, sore feet (neuropathy).  Bob, Linda, Jason and Jennifer stopped in for visit and then Mark and I went to lunch (Chinese) with them.    Ryan called while we were eating - great to hear from him and he's now back in Lemoore after 4 weeks in the Nevada desert in training.    When we came out of the restaurant, it was SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to see Dad.   Aunt Marian came and always good to see her.    They put Dad in bed to stretch out and he was sleepy.....we arrived back home at 4:00 and at 6:00, the sun came out! 
  TAH DAH...but still only 43 degrees.

Liam and Connor had breakfast with the Easter Bunny this morning and here they are

Cuddly Bunny and huggable boys

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