Saturday - June 30

Hot, hot, hot and the best place to be was Lake James........we all left around 10:30 (took Daisy, too) and spent a fun day on the water - kids enjoyed the tubing, surfboarding, boat rides, kayaking,  swimming and the "relaxation station".   And a very special part of the day was a walk-thru of the new lake home Michael and Brooke are building which should be done in a few weeks!!!!
  Here are some highlights of this last day of June.

Liam - ready to roll in Daisy

Davis can ride the tube FOREVER

Connor - just chillin' with the bag of doritos

Brady and Connor enjoying icy cold watermelon

Left the lake at 4:30 and Mark's sister, Karen arrived later for dinner - she and a friend are enroute to Washington, DC.   Great to see her

Mark, Brooke, Annette, Philip, Michael and Auntie Karen

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