Wednesday - May 15

Sunny, warm Wednesday to start the day.   We exercised, Mark took off for Dixon to visit his Mom.   I was at the courthouse by 8:15 and then sat and read and visited Nadine (MNF) till we were dismissed at 10 for the day.   Two cases were apparently canceled.
We were told to call in tonight but most likely would not be called back.   I asked about Friday and told him we had planned to travel IF and WHEN I was finished and he said "You've been here 2 days, you're free to go"!!!    'YEAH....
So, Mark is making plans for getting us out of here and off to FL and Catrina sometime tomorrow?
Had lunch with Exchange Club and interesting speaker - head of the air traffic controllers at our airport.

Twenty Sublettians gathered at the Uptown Grille in LaSalle for a wonderful meal, lots of chatter and tons 'o fun.     Hadn't seen some of these gals in a long time....such a great group of long-time friends!


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