Saturday - January 6

 Posted by Mark:

Easy day today schedule wise.  Nothing on the agenda.  I did a late breakfast at Hardees for my biscuit and gravy.   Pat did her exercises. Late morning the rain started.  Then at times it really poured.  Our neighbor texted to have us look in the back yard to see the "river" flowing.   Water was running pretty fast to a standpipe a few lots to the south. 

After the rain was done I ran to Publix for a few things, when I got back bunches of dog walkers were out.

We went for our walk at 3:30 and ran into a few people who hadn't heard about Pat's shoulder.  Fun chatting with folks.

Cleaned up part of the fridge for supper tonight.

Then things got exciting.  I was talking to Michael on the phone and was also wanting to open the door to set up Pat's shoulder pulley system for her to exercise.  When I pulled on the door handle it came off in my hand.  Picture me holding the door handle which has broken off, inside the RV with door still closed.  I'm starting to get out the manuals on getting the door to open, when Pat says,  "Why can't Buddy just come over and open the door from the outside?"  Duh,  some times the best ideas are the most simple.

Buddy did come over and open the door.  Once we could separate the main door from the inside screen door we could take the cover off and see where it broke.  I'm able to open the door from the inside with a screwdriver.   Tomorrow we will take it further apart in daylight.

What should have been a simple quiet day ended with some good excitement.   Guess Pat won't be sneaking out to party tonight without me.  She'll need her trusty screw driver helper  🧰

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a good laugh on the door knob in your hand, Mark. Good thing Pat was there to offer her solution. LOL