Tuesday - January 16

 Posted by Mark:

Pat had therapy today but not until 11:15 so no big rush getting around.  While she was at therapy I went to Publix and to Goodwill.  Pat came home with another new exercise.  

This afternoon was rain off and on.  Thankfully more off than on.  Hard to get a good number on how much we have gotten, but it is at least 4 inches.   If this keeps up I'll have to put out my own rain gauge!

We went out to The Saucy Meatball with friends from the park - Brenda and Mark.  Pat and I had never eaten there.   Everyone enjoyed their meal.  We caught up on their trip to the Canadian Maritime Provinces this summer with their Airstream.  It brought back memories of our trip there in 2012.

Brenda, Mark, Mark, Pat

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