Monday - February 25

We had quite a day......keeping in close touch with Brenda as to how Sue was doing at the Naples hospital.    She had more tests today and since there are no results yet, is spending another night there.
We exercised, had breakfast, did laundry and while Mark ran errands, I got a manicure.    We both had eye appointments this afternoon...............when Dr. saw my eye, she said " have a significant bleed".  And probably another blood vessel had burst since she saw me last Tuesday.    Nothing to be done and not to worry, but this will take another 14 days to clear up - ugh!!!!!    She then checked Mark's floater and it's a biggie - in right eye whereas the one from a year ago (when we went to Miami) was in his left eye.   The one in left eye is out of Mark's vision, but could appear at any time.    Fortunately, neither are near the retina, but she explained if he should have any severe flashes of lightning or a blurry film appears, to get to a doctor ASAP.....signs of a detached retina.
Mark's Mom is having her surgery on March 12th.   Wondering about Karen and how her first radiation treatment went today?
Going to 8:00 Mass many to pray for!

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