Wednesday - July 24

Hot and steamy here in NC.     Mark has been Mr. Fix-it around the house doing various odd jobs, running errands, etc.    We both exercised this morning, I'm keeping the laundry caught up and neighbors continue to bring in food!
Blair had a little better night - guess she just likes hanging out with Grandma!!!

The guys (Michael, Mark, Davis and Brady) left at 3 for Charlotte to run some errands and then pick Drew up at the airport....heavy downpour around 5:30 with some hail!

Welcome home Drewby!!!!!

Drew meeting his baby sister
The boys and Blair
Ahhh  "merci Drewby" 
Sleeping beauty 
Cuddling with Grandpa
Drew wanted Five Guys for his first meal at home......I picked that up and after scarfing down our burgers and fries, we were firing the questions at Drew.   He had a wonderful time, but is almost in the zombie state from lack of sleep!    He's off to dreamland but sure was smitten with his sister!
Davis and Brady are thoroughly enjoying Blair - holding her, feeding her - no diaper changes yet!!!
Tomorrow Mark and I are heading to the mountains near Linville to visit friends we knew from back home who moved to Skidaway Island, GA and spend the summers in the NC mountains.


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