Wednesday - July 31's the last day of July!    This month has flown by, but we've sure packed lots in after leaving Catrina on the 1st, visiting my cousin in VA, family vacation at Lake James and welcoming our little Blair.   And the basement flooding!  Ugh!
Keeping busy past few days with laundry, 3 active boys (Grandpa took them out for lunch and bowling yesterday) and cuddling Blair.    My back is much better - still hurts some, but obviously not a fractured rib or I would be hurtin' ALL the time!   I'm laying off the exercising for a few days!
Bob and Judy came last night and we had fun playing 6-handed euchre and blitz and ate pizza on the porch!
Little Geisha Girl
Mommy, Daddy, boys and baby sister
Blair and Brady - not the baby anymore!!!

Okay Blair.....I'm your middle brother, Davis!
Don't forget Blair....I'm Drew....your oldest and "favorite" brother
Grandma and NC grandchildren
So, our time here with the NC bunch is almost over.    So much fun and in 4 weeks, we'll be back for Labor Day weekend.   Tomorrow morning, Mark and I are leaving for Dundalk, MD and Catrina.   We have about a 9-hour drive!  
Did face time with Liam, Connor, Anne and Patrick - sweet Blair slept thru it all!


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