Friday - March 11

Pleasant day - cooler (82) and mostly cloudy till mid afternoon and then nice sunshine AND wind.    We caught up on sleep overnight and off to the "Take Five" Café for breakfast and then walked around the base past the large RV park (have to be current or retired military to stay here).   Ryan stopped by with our tickets for today's practice and tomorrow's show
Update on Grandma is that she had  a comfortable night - she is having round the clock care (daughters) and on low dose of morphine.   Her elbow is in a soft cast.  
 Hospice care started yesterday.
Sure grateful for Mark's large family as his sisters have been wonderful!!!
Some photos from yesterday...
On tall stack of hay bales watching the practice as #1 (Boss) comes in to land.  
Mark is in #5 blue shirt and I'm hidden off to the left.   What a thrill!
We were 15' off the ground.
Here's the ladder we climbed to the top of the hay bales!

We had lunch at Subway and then off to the practice.    The wind started up big time around noon and by show time, were blowing out of the west at 32 mph.    And being in the desert with all the sand and dirt, oh my...........crazy!   They had a delay of about 45 minutes and then fortunately, the wind died down to 24 mph and they did get the practice in, sun shining and great last practice before the big day tomorrow!

Back home to shower (on my, we were really dirty and clothes were all rusty brown!)   Big day for baby news......2 new little Blue Angel babies are coming in August AND
our niece Katy and husband Mike are expecting in September!

Tonight we went to big food/entertainment "thank you" to the folks of El Centro for their hospitality these past 10 weeks as the Blues made this their winter training home.    We were in Hangar 6 and food/drinks were inside, but outside, the winds were howling and it was downright chilly!!!  We had fish tacos, visited with Bill and Jan (parents of Fat Albert pilot and 1st female Blue Angel pilot,
Katie Higgins.) and then enjoyed the introduction of the Blue Angels on stage.    After that, we left and discovered that all the lights on base were out.   Eerie driving around on our way home and then coming into our dark house..    They were out abut 45 minutes and now all is well....


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