Friday - December 29

 Posted by Mark:

Since Pat did not have PT until 2:30 no rush to get around this morning.  I went to Hardees and brought home Biscuit and Gravy for me and a biscuit for Pat.  

Pat suggested I give you an update on the itching.  The Gabapentin has stopped most of of itching and when it does happen the Cortisone 10 takes care of it.   Gabapentin also has her sleeping all thru the night.

We went to McAlister's Deli for lunch then on to PT.   My plan was to get the car washed and stop at liquor store while she was in PT.  But traffic was horrible so I only got the car washed.  

Pat said Chad really worked her shoulder a lot today.  Raising her arm all the way up and then out quite a bit.  They keep giving her a good report.

I went for a walk this afternoon but too chilly for Pat.

Tonight she's watching the Call the Midwife Christmas special.


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