Saturday - December 2

 Posted by Mark:

Lots of things to share today.

Pat had a good night. We had a busy day.  

Pat did her many exercises right after breakfast.  She went from 1 exercise to a whole bunch!

Pat's sister-in-law Vicki called to say that Matt, Elisha, Jemma, and Theo from Australia are going to Key West from Lakeland next Weds.   They would like to stop by if Pat is up to it Wednesday morning.  Pat is all for that.

Brooke had an early Christmas gift delivered yesterday.  A new pair of Brooks shoes.  They came with a pair of shoe laces that allow the shoes to be slip on.   I installed the laces after breakfast and they work great for Pat.

John and Beth brought our lunch.   Two types of Chicken salad grapes croissants and potato salad from Whole Foods, desserts from Mario's, chocolates from Norman Love, and Flowers from Publix.  We  visited for just a bit.  they gave us a condensed version of their recent trip to Portugal.

John had shoulder surgery a few years ago, so he was very aware of the need not to wear Pat out.   She really enjoyed the visit even though it was brief.

Lunch was excellent and many leftovers.

After lunch Lydia stopped by to visit a bit with Pat.

Nap time for Pat and Blair did Facetime with me showing me her new Christmas tree in her room.

Around 3:30 we went for a drive to get Pat "out of the house".   Drove around Babcock ranch to see all of the new construction that has happen since March.   Then Mark had a long shopping list at Publix.  Pat hung out in the car.  While I was shopping our friends Buddy and JoAnn were texting Pat from Antarctica.   Technology is amazing.

Connor sent us his official announcement about his signing a letter of intent for Danville Junior College.  He is excited.

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