Thursday - March 1

March certainly came in like a lamb here in south Florida with warm, sunny skies and mid 80 temps!!!

After 2 very good nights' sleep, think we are caught up in that department - gradually getting our stuff put away and some organization on Catrina.    Took her out for a little jaunt to fuel up - these prices sure rose while we were gone, but not as bad as some areas and then gave our little ship a good scrubbing. 
Worked on the blog.....a bit overwhelming, but making steady progress!  
Had a delicious dinner and fun visit with Barb and Roger.    We will be traveling together in our boats to the Bahamas later this month, so lots to talk and plan for!
Here's another very neat video that Ryan put together.   His squadron is the Tophatters (oldest and boldest) founded in 1919.    Turn up the volume and enjoy....

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