Friday - Sunday, April 24-26

Friday - Spectacular day in NC.....the boys were off to school, Blair and Grandma played, Grandpa and Michael ran some errands and Brooke finished the packing.    They left for Charlotte around 10:15 and then flight to Phoenix.    Blair took a 2-hour morning nap and after lunch, we 3 went for a walk.    She is such a busy, chatty little girl.   Always, always on the go!    She just babbles on and on, but also can clearly say several words, including her ABC's.  She loves her Bah Bah (Grandpa) and constantly calling out for him!

What a bundle of non-stop energy.    She just never stops and so many of my pics are blurry, cause she is constantly on the move!
Grandpa picked Davis and Brady up from school; Blair took an afternoon nap.   Bob and Judy came around 5 and then all the guys went to do some practice golfing (even Grandpa - the non-golfer).
  He was impressed with the D's golf skills.

Did carry out from Jason's Deli and then played 5-handed euchre (Bob, Judy, Drew, Mark and me) with Judy, Drew and Mark, the winners!

 Saturday - rainy, leisurely morning, played Blitz with Brady, Blair took a 2-hour nap and then Grandpa took Davis and Brady to Moo Moo golf (indoors) and also has great ice cream.

Grandpa and Brady went to 5:00 Mass and then supper, baths/showers and Grandpa and I collapsed!    Ha....

Blair, Grandpa and Brady on their I-pads 
She crawled into her basket of books and started reading as Ted looks on
Watching a video whileGrandpa rests
Brady and Grandpa spiffed up for church
Here she is....trying to stand up in her shopping cart with that look of "I can do this"!!!


Wishing these two many more happy healthy years together and thanks so much for
our two handsome grandsons, Liam and Connor!   We are all so blessed!

Cool and dreary start to the day - Drew, Davis and I went to 9:00 Mass at St. Joseph's and then stopped at Bojangles for some warm, blueberry biscuits for everyone - yummy!

Drew and Davis played golf in the afternoon and Grandpa and Brady went bowling.   We did facetime with the anniversary couple and boys!

My face and shirt say it all..."Little Miss Trouble"!!!
The boys and their video games
The "twins" and Blair who did not get the memo!   Ha...

Michael and his boys were sooo excited to pose for this pic - NOT!

Michael and Brooke got home at 6:15 - we grilled out brats and burgers, heard all about the wedding, said our good byes to Blair, boys and Brooke.   Michael is taking us to the Charlotte airport at 3:30 AM for our 5:30 flight....

GREAT weekend with the kids and we'll be back in 4 weeks so makes saying good-bye not quiet as hard!    Nighty night!!!


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