Tuesday - April 28

BIG day for the moving folks to come....Mark was up at 4:15 (why???) and 6:00 for me.   3 strong guys arrived at 7 and the work began.   I stayed in Daisy for most of the time catching up on e-mails and watching as piece after piece got loaded up.   Anne came with Starbucks - what a dear!    She and I had a quick emotional moment and then good to go.....I've been really good about all this.   But, when you see all your long-time pieces of this and that being carried out of your house after ALL these years, well, it got to me!

The moving van
Mark's sister Nancy and Mark came with their truck to get a queen size bed, mattress and box springs.   All the stuff for estate guy is in garages and what we're keeping is in storage.
Met Anne and Patrick at BraiZe for delicious lunch and then back at it.    Anne is off today
and Patrick worked later.
Pat and Brenda stopped in and bought some tables.    And then Marsha came and 4 more ladies and
2 friends of Marty's and on and on - a busy, fun and profitable day!

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