Thursday - April 16

The day started off foggy and misty rain, but the sun came out and it climbed to 70!
We were hard at it again.....for all we've accomplished (a lot), we still have sooo much to do.    But after 3 intense days, I need a break and tomorrow, Claire and I are flying to Dallas to visit Kathy.    We planned this trip last fall, guilty as I feel leaving with so much to do and house a big mess, I really am looking forward to a fun girls weekend!    When I return Monday, it will all be here....
Mark has his areas to work on especially the back garage, so we can put stuff out there (our sale on May 1st-2nd will definitely be using both garages again).   He also wants to give Daisy a good scrubbing and will be visiting his Mom.
I picked the boys up from school and put them to work for an hour (and gave them treats) before Grandpa took them to baseball practice from 4:30-6.    Anne had a meeting after work and Patrick was working.   We picked them up at 6 and had supper at Culver's - yummy!    Anne came at 7:45 to pick them up and I'm about ready for bed.
The boys taking pictures out of frames and then a pile of frames for sale! 
 Luke celebrated his birthday today (belatedly cause he was sick)....
First playground fun...
And then let's have some cake
Looks like a yummy #2 cake  
 Hmmm, finger-lickin' good 
Big day tomorrow......will probably not be blogging till I return from Dallas!
Bye bye for now...

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