Wednesday - April 15

Day #2 went very well here on Jackson Street......lots of stuff for garbage day, and then all the piles for storage or sale and got the garage set up hanging pictures, flower arrangements, etc.
I took a break and had lunch with Exchange Club - always good to see these folks again and been since mid December.  
My friend Brenda is home and her diagnosis at this point is
"Transient Global Amnesia"  which can happen once in a person's lifetime.   Never heard of it!
Annette took this pic at the Melbourne air show... 
Luke is high fivin' Captain Katie Higgins, the first female pilot with the Blue Angels!    
What a thrill that will be for him someday - he can say "I knew her when...."
Katie has been in the news a lot recently with this great achievement and honor!
It's so nice having Daisy parked right outside the door - she will be our home once the beds are disassembled, kitchen emptied, etc.
And back to Luke....he's in a play group with boys and girls his age and their Mommies.    They do so many neat things - educational, fun, play, etc., etc.   Today's activity....
Petting rats - Grandma is not sure about this one?
I helped serve dinner with Exchange Club at Safe Harbor (Salvation Army).    We had pizza, salad, green beans, cake and ice cream.   For many of these folks, their only meal of the day.
Always a humbling experience!

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