Monday - April 11

Temps were in the 60's today, windy and sun off and on (mostly off)!    Annette fixed delicious breakfast sandwiches and around 10:30 we were all off to Morganton.    The guys had several stops to pick up this 'n that for projects here at the house.    Looked at beautiful furniture at Patterson's downtown and had a great lunch at Root and Vine, then a treat for Luke at the bakery.    One more stop at Tractor Supply and we were back home around 2:30.

Yummy lunch at Root and Vine
Luke Annette and Grandma took naps and the guys got to work on their projects.    Annette and I played 2-handed euchre and the guys went to Marion for more stuff and brought back dinner from Jalapeno's Mexican Grill where we went Friday night for Luke's birthday...
Few pics from a few days ago...

Luke and Davis
Here come the troops running down the hall
Blair in the lead, then Brady and finally Luke!

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