Happy 18th Anniversary to Michael and Brooke!

So thankful these two met, fell in love and gave us 4 beautiful grandchildren!
There was rain in the forecast for today, but whoaaa.....let's rephrase that and say "lots" of rain. We left Surf City at 6:45 to make the 7:00 bridge. Temperature was already 81 and very humid but cruising along, it was pleasant and the sun was shining.
But it wasn't long till the dark clouds rolled in and 1st shower of the day....and then again, and on and off all day long. Usually little showers, sometimes, downpours and 2 accompanied by thunder and lightening. The sky would clear, but radar showed more on the way and sure enough, dark clouds again. It was like this all day!
We went under many bridges today and 3 of them were swing bridges and we had to wait for them to open. Didn't see any dolphins today, but yesterday, several were frolicking along side Catrina as we motored along.
Saw 3 of these shrimp boats shipwrecked along our route.....just totally abandoned!
Some fisherman were close by this one
The homes along the Carolina coast were never ending again today.....
Here's a little sampling
A little tipsy....photographer error!
More beauties
Huge freighter coming at us
We covered 112 miles today and tonight we are atb Osprey Marina south of Myrtle Beach. We got fuel, a pump out and the thunder and lightening started - skies looked so dark. We got to our slip just when the wind started blowing like crazy and heavy sheets of rain blowing sideways, thunder cracking and intense lightening. So, all in all we lucked out as we could've been caught in this latest (and last, we hope) deluge of the day!
More rain in the forecast for tomorrow....
Tonight Michael and his cousin Jason are having dinner together in Boston. I hope he gave Brooke a raincheck for dinner?
The cousins...
Miss Maeve Kathryn sporting a new headband.
Maeve and Luke's other grandparents (Nana and Pa) are visiting from IL this week!
We've stayed as Osprey 2 other times - nice marina, but in the boonies and not close to anything!
If all goes as planned, we will be at our destination tomorrow night (south of Charleston) where Catrina will have a thorough maintenance check (required after the initial 50+ hours on the engines).
The heavy rain which started around 4:15 lasted almost 4 hours and more is coming!
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