Sunday - December 15

 We went to 9:30 Mass at st. Francis with Father Robert.    Then to the Fowler Street Grill for breakfast (small place, but good food - they do a LOT of carry-out orders).   Then to Target which was a zoo.   In and outta there and on home.

Nice sunny day reaching 80.   We both took a little nap (I did not sleep well last night)....then worked on computer stuff and started packing for our trip to IL (flying on Thursday).

Walked late afternoon, leftovers for supper and later, zoom with Mark's siblings (10 tonight).   Main topic was bank fraud and how some were affected - 0h my!    Tom, the banker explained how this very frequent mess occurs - very scary and what a nightmare for the innocent party.    Next weekend is our Annual Chamberlain Christmas in Dixon - big crowd planning to attend.

Enjoy your week ahead!

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