Friday - January 31

 Wow....the last day of January - how can that be?    Mark and I played euchre and today we did 5-handed with Jo, Bev, Diane, Mark and I.    None of the others had ever played 5-handed, so it was fun with Mark and I each winning a game.

Home for lunch and Sharon texted that their plane had landed.    Sharon (Mark's sister) and Darrell from Louisville are spending the weekend in Fort Myers (their 1st time and also to see Flo).  Sharon is one of the last of Mark's siblings to visit us in FL.

I left to get a haircut from Jewel. had gotten so long (we were trying something new - it didn't work)!    Ha....back to short hair for me.    Always enjoy visiting with Jewel - lots of laughs, update on her new home, what's new around town, etc.   Stopped at Publix (the last 2 stores we've been in are out of unsweetened iced tea)???   We've never had that problem before.    Mark and I cannot handle that sweet stuff.

Sharon and Darrell checked into their hotel room and then came over to CT.   We sat on the patio and visited for a few hours and then left for The Boathouse.    This place is always busy and we had a 40 minute wait.    Good dinners and great to continue the chatter.

Back to CT and said our good byes till tomorrow.

Darrell and Sharon

Oh no....hearing about another plane crash this time in Philadelphia.    Prayers for the victims and their families and first responders.....Waaaay too much tragedy this week.

Bye bye to January...

Thursday - January 30

Such devastating news from Washington, DC last night and the tragic loss of 67 lives.   Philip has flown in and out of there many times - very busy airport especially the heavy volume of traffic in the air.

 A busy day for we nomads starting with Rummikub for me - Anita, Kathy (Georgia), Kathy (Indiana), Vicki and I played with wins for Anita, (Georgia) Kathy and myself.

Back home, and Mark and I were off to Punta Gorda to meet Allie and Owen at Laishley's - always a good meal here and sat on the covered porch and caught up - we were last together in November when we all enjoyed Mannheim Steamroller Christmas show.   Said our good byes till late February when we meet again.

Mark, Pat, Allie, Owen

We walked down to the docks - so sad to see the boats and debris from hurricane Milton.

On home and took a quick cat nap before our next outing at Garth and Karin's just 3 doors away at 5.    They were here for only a month but we sure enjoyed getting to know them.   They had a bon voyage party under their tiki with wonderful appetizers prepared by Karin - wow.....she loves to cook and went all out along with some great desserts.    There were 8 couples.   Garth and Karin leave Saturday for Arcadia.

Final event of the day was euchre - 28 (7 tables) and Mark and Anne were the winners tonight. Ryan, Michael and Brooke are back home after a fun skiing trip to Copper Mountain, CO.

Wednesday - January 29

 Warm sunny Wednesday.    I played canasta and Vicki, Diane and I were royally shellacked by Vicki, Marilyn and Lisa.    But still fun!   We had 24 playing today.

Then we ladies were off for our monthly luncheon at Laguna Caribe.    Cypress Woods is an RV park next door to Cypress Trail.    They have a new section for Class A (BIG RVs) with pool, restaurant, etc. that is very nice.    We had a car caravan to get us there.    LONG wait for taking orders, and for food and for check.    Several had eaten and were leaving with their leftovers while at least 3 tables (including ours) had not gotten our food.   When we left, others were just starting to eat.   Apparently, we overwhelmed the kitchen.    But, food was good and  plenty of time to chatter away.

On home.   Mark had a nice quiet all day of doing computer work, taxes, resting, reading, etc.

For the 3rd straight week we are not going to Lucky 13 - still plenty of sick folks in the park.

Tuesday - January 28

 Mark and I were off for my appointment with Dr. Freeman (yearly check-up).   I was her 1st of the day but she was 20 minutes late and walked into the room wearing a face mask and apologized.   She had just come from the hospital doing her rounds and it is full of sick folks.   She has a terrible cold!   Yikes, no time to be sick!    Thankful to get a good report.

Then to Fresh Market where it was absolutely FREEZING.....I picked up a few items and skedaddled out of there.

And last and best stop of the day was at Deep Lagoon Seafood where we met Doug and Charlotte.   We sat on the patio under the umbrella with bright warm sunshine by the water and many boats.    A nice lady from Springfield, IL sat beside us.

A wonderful lunch (coconut shrimp for Charlotte (and the "ultimate" Bloody Mary), tropical Mahi for Doug and coconut shrimp salads for Mark and I.   All excellent and we had a great visit.    Said our good byes and on home.

Mark, Pat, Doug, Charlotte

We both took a nap and then walked.   Read online about the big recall (class A - highest risk) of Lays Potato Chips (Mark's very favorite).   It only involves the 13 oz. package and mainly distributed in Washington and Oregon.   No other flavors were affected.   We had just bought a bag a few days ago, but only 8 oz.   

Monday - January 27

 Gorgeous day - so blessed with this return to sunshine and warmth.    I walked to the vendor market this morning.    This is something new as we have a farmer's market on Wednesdays.   But this was much bigger with some very nice shopping choices including a ladies clothing booth AND, a coffee truck.   That's where I was headed for a cinnamon/vanilla latte.   

Cute little coffee truck

This Noble Express business just started in October.   Mark talked to the owner about his little truck - the engines are too small for laws of the US unless it's more than 25 years old and then considered an antique.   It was built in Japan 27 years ago.   The owner had it totally refurbished (drives from the right side).   The guy is located in Bonita Springs and we asked if he could come to our farmer's market on Wednesday mornings, but that's when he's at the Bonita farmer's market downtown.   So cute and great coffee!

Canasta was lots of fun (even more so with a win)....Jo, Diane and I beat Margaret, Linda and Deb.    Back home and Mark and I left for Salty Papa's Shrimp House where we met Joan and Joe.   We always have so much fun and laughs when we're together and this was their 1st visit to Salty Papa's, they LOVED it as did Mark and I.    Such big shrimp and so fresh!    Said our good byes - we'll see them Sunday when more family are in town.

Mark, Pat, Joan, Joe

Back home, walked and then wined down the day!     Anne is back home after a fun week in Cancun with friends.         

Sunday - January 26

 A beautiful Sunday and the weather is really shaping up for SWFL this coming week!    Yeah!    Put away the stocking caps, hoodies, goves, etc.   

We went to 11:00 Mass at St. Vincent de Paul.   Their wonderful Father Murchadh O'Madagain is out of town so Father Bill from Colorado Springs filled in.    He gave an excellent homily telling us about his 48 years at the Mercy Center dealing with those addicted with drugs and alcohol + mental health issues.   And then so many sobering statistics on the abused, homeless and hungry children + adults.   The numbers were staggering.

Stopped at Publix for a few things and on home.   Did some laundry, put clothes away and spent a quiet afternoon reading.   

JoAnn and Buddy's daughter Melanie and hubby, Tim from Asheville, NC are here visiting.    JoAnn invited us over for Chantilly cake (delish) and a nice visit along with other neighbors, Joe and Barb from IL.   We sat under the tiki (a bit chilly when the sun sets, but still pleasant).

Only 6 on zoom tonight.....

Saturday - January 25

 Breezy 'n sunny Saturday!   It was 36 when Mark got up.   

I had a fun chat with Erin (future daughter-in-law) - all wedding talk this morning.   then we drove downtown to meet Mike, Claire, Herb and Dana at Bruno's of Brooklyn for delicious lunch and long visit.   Love this place and it was very busy for Saturday lunch.   Then we gals browsed around Crooked Halos (gift shop) and later joined the guys at Peter's for some homemade German ice cream (gelato) and more visiting.   It was so much fun to all be together!

Mark, Pat, Herb, Dana, Mike, Claire

Said our good byes and on home after picking up an Amazon package at Save-a-Lot.  

It was such a pretty day - upper 60's and we finally got in a walk in the park.   Been way too long with the chilly, wet weather.

Friday - January 24

 Breezy and chilly but the SUN came out around 10:30 - yeah!!!!    Not sure we made it to 60 and definitely felt cooler with the wind.   But starting to show some improvement each day.   Yesterday we barely made it to 50!..

  Saw online where a couple from IL  flew to Gulf Shores, AL for vacation only to find 8" of snow on the beach.    Saw a picture of them in their beach chairs sitting in their swimsuits "in the SNOW"!!!!   I imagine that was a very quick photo shoot and then hightailed back to the warmth of their room!   

Mark and I played euchre in the library - just 4 of us today.   Chuck and I played Diane and Mark - we won 2 of 3.   And then we taught Chuck and Diane how to play 2 and 3-handed.

Tonight we were to have dinner with Connie and Steve at University Grill - so looking forward to their company and yummy dinner.    BUT....they've both been sick with the bad colds and coughs!   

We are to have a low of 35 by morning!😕😕😕

We had salad with wonderful dressing (pink) from Cherry Pocket that my sister-in-law Linda highly recommended.   Good stuff!    Bought a jar of that home when we were there.  And I made mini sausage/pepperoni pizzas.   Great for a Friday-night-stay-at-home supper

My dad died 13 years ago today (1/24/2012) - he is sooo missed.    I thank Dad and Mom for teaching me to play euchre many years ago and how much I still enjoy playing (at least 2x a week here at CT)    Dad kept diaries over many many years and the first posting each day was the weather, so guess that's where I get that!   😄

Thursday - January 23

 Cold, rainy, windy and not nice at all......sun is supposed to be back tomorrow???   

We were off to Dr. Sandra Collins office for hand check-up.    No real change - "maybe" a slight improvement with the nerve test, but it's all about time as these nerves take forever......Dr. Collins went to a hand conference last fall and attended one session on nerves.   Many studies are being done, but unfortunately, no "quick" fix.   And so I (and many others) wait!    Dr. said she had talked to an orthopedic surgeon recently and he said that almost all reverse shoulder replacements come out with some nerve damage!   WOW!   YIKES!   Just not a lot of room to get all that hardware in such a small spot without hitting a nerve!  😕  I will see her in 3 months just before we leave for the season.

Stopped at Summer Moon Coffee Shop for coffee and breakfast burrito for Mark and strawberry/cheese Danish for me.    Then to Costco and on home.   Did some laundry and tidied up before the cleaning ladies came.

Mark and I took off (still drizzling) and went to Wal Mart, Aldi and then Culver's for chili (great day for this and was sooo good) + we split a Wisconsin Swiss melt.    Back home to a nice clean Flo!

We played euchre tonight - wow....40 people = 10 tables.    So fun to play with familiar friends and then meet new folks.

Wednesday - January 22

 Chilly and wet start to the day.    It rained off and on during the night.   We left with drizzle and continued all the way to Lake Wales.   We met Blue Angel friends, Richard and Linda (their son was a pilot with Ryan) at Cherry Pocket, a very unique place out in the country!    My brothers and wives have been here numerus times but 1st time for us.    We would normally eat at Crazy Fish but they are closed for remodeling,

Food was good and so enjoyed our visit, but then much more to talk about, so we went to The Ranch Coffee Shop where we went last year and continued our chatter with coffees and banana bread for Richard and Linda and a warm chocolate chip cookie for us.    They live in Kansas and spend 2 months in Dunnellon, FL.    Always enjoy our visits.    And then the Ranch was closing, so time to say good bye.    They came from the north (2 hours and 20 minutes) and same distance for us coming from the south,

Richard, Linda, Pat, Mark

No Lucky 13 for us tonight - still so many sickies in the park.

Amazing seeing all the snow in northern FL, Houston, Charleston, Mobile, etc.,   Crazy weather! 

Tuesday - January 21

 Yucky day - cold, windy and rainy!    I think we got to 57.   However, when we checked where our kids/grandkids are,,,,,,,,,,,,,Liam got the prize for lowest temp at -13 in Iowa City and that was no wind chill.

The kiddos were to go back to school today - Connor's classes were cancelled but Brady (Notre Dame) and Liam (Iowa) had to trek thru the cold!

I met Claire for a 3-hour, 15 minute lunch at Cristof's.    We hadn't seen one another since October and had lots to catch up on.   Enjoyed our wine, lunch (spinach, bacon, cheddar quiche and salad) and then shared a chocolate bomb filled with spumoni ice cream - wonderful and what we usually enjoy when we come to Cristof's.

chocolate bomb!
Pat and Claire
Leisurely lunch

On home and had a long chat with Brooke while she was driving towards home from Cedar Rapids.    She and Blair had a fun weekend doing wedding stuff with Drew and Tessa.

Ryan and Erin have set the date - June 21, 2025 in Idaho Falls.     Travel plans are underway.

Monday - January 20

 I stayed home all day and enjoyed the inaugural festivities.   I reread the Christmas cards/letters and now ready to put them away.

Mark worked on computer and tax stuff.   It is sooo bitter cold back in IL and around the Midwest.    Many schools including colleges are closed tomorrow.

Watched Notre Dame vs Ohio State play for the college football championship game.    Sadly Notre Dame lost 34-23 but played their hearts out and congrats for a GREAT season!!!

Sunday - January 19

On our way to Mass, we stopped to say good bye to Todd and Cindy (our euchre and rummikub buddies) who left today for Colorado.    They'll be selling their home and becoming full timers.   We'll see them in October.

Off to 9:30 Mass at St. Francis with Father Steve and then stopped for iced coffees at "Take Two Coffee" and on home.   It's crazy windy today, but warm.....we'll savor this warmth cause this is the last before the cold and rain come next several days.

Around 3:45, the heavens opened up - wow!    Didn't last too long but a nice downpour to refresh the landscape!    We picked Mark and Brenda up at 4 and off to downtown to try "Sip and Sizzle" brand new restaurant that just opened January 6th.    This was formerly First Street Restaurant - nothing fancy but good breakfast//lunch place that we ate at one time.   Ian came along in 2022 and did major damage and flooding to the restaurant.    They called in their staff to clean things up and reopened a few days later serving food to first responders, etc., only to be shut down a day or so later cause of mold in the walls.    The First Street Restaurant never came back and now this new "Sip and Sizzle" opened after 20 months of renovations.    It is beautiful and very busy - hope they will do well.    All enjoyed our food and the ambiance!    Soon, they plan to open for breakfast and lunch!   Great catching up with Mark and Brenda

Mark, Brenda, Pat, Mark

On home....zoom at 8 with 10 siblings!    Missing Sharon but plenty of discussion on the weather and the frigid COLD up north.

Saturday - January 18

 A breezy, warm, sunny that sunshine even though the forecast said "NO" sun today???   We went downtown and had breakfast at Peter's.   Stefan makes all his pastries and they are delicious; the blueberry coffee cake is exceptional and today, he added 2 more flavors - cranberry (Mark's choice) and mandarin/peach (mine) - YUM!!!   Along with our coffees, made for the perfect light breakfast.

We walked around downtown and stopped at the library for me to renew my card which expires end of the month.    Mark did his on Thursday after he got his haircut.    We don't use the library as far as all the resources available, but love the Libby books online.    That's where we get all our online books and it's a great feature!   So, I'm good to go with my new card till January, '27.

Then to Trader Joe's (me) and Best Buy (Mark) - got our stuff and on home.   Love Trader Joe's!

Walked in the afternoon - visited with Kevin and Melissa from IL who are back for the season.   There's a concert in our ballroom tonight (Chasing Denver) that a lot of people are going to or watching KC Chiefs vs. Texas football game.    Just a quiet evening on Flo for us.


Friday - January 17

 Gloomy and cool all day.....we played euchre in the library.    Mark taught Deb and her son Dan from Ontario how to play 3-handed while Vicki and I beat Diane and Judy 2 of 3 games.   Fun morning.

Came home, got in the car and picked up Dennis and Jamie and off to Buckingham Farms.   So fun to catch up with them and of course, our lunches were delicious.    Big crowd but got there at just the right time.    Al and Jo from our park were eating there also with friends from Tennessee.

Jamie and Dennis

On home and hunkered down for rest of the day.   We did walk though!

Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!

Thursday - January 16

 Another dreary cool day - the sunshine has left us and according to my weather app, no sun till next Friday (one week from tomorrow)!!!😔   Yikes, sure hope that forecast is WRONG!

I played rummikub in the library with Anita and Jo.   I won 2 games and Anita, one.    Small group today as several went to the Tampa RV show, have visitors or are sick!    Mark got a haircut with Jose.

Then we were off to lunch at Backyard Social with Rog and Martin.    They were next-door neighbors here at CT before buying a condo.    Always fun to be with them and this was their 1st visit to Backyard Social.    We all enjoyed our drinks and food (Mark and Martin had Asian; Rog, Mexican and I had a gyro).

Rog and Martin

Back home for a quiet afternoon - then for a walk but cool and damp (rain is on the way).   So, it was kinda short (we are fair weather walkers - and another excuse the past few days is the smokey air from controlled fires north of here.    Really bad at times.

Blair and Brooke are on their way to Cedar Rapids, IA for wedding planning (dress shopping and tasting for the reception).    Blair called and we did facetime and she chatted away.    Michael is home with Jinx and Millie for the next several days.   Blair has a 4-day weekend.

Mark and I played 3 games of 2-handed euchre and he won 2.

We played euchre in the ballroom - 7 tables and I won 1st place with Jack and Bev tying for 2nd.   Tah dah!!!    I'm $14 richer! 😀

Wednesday - January 15

 Still cool here in SWFL.....but nothing a jacket, long pants, socks and shoes (no flip flops) won't fix.   I played canasta and...(Anne, Cheryl and I lost to Pam, Eileen and Teri).    Firebread was the food truck today along with the Farmers' Market.    Mark walked up to join me and we shared a cheeseburger sandwich on their delicious bread - LOVE this!    We took it back to Flo and chowed down.

Talk at canasta was about all the sickness around the park including COVID, so....Mark thinks it would be wise to not play Lucky 13 tonight.    I'm disappointed as we both really enjoy this game, but we do NOT want to get sick.    Some of the gals plan to wear masks?

I got a mani-pedi this afternoon with Alisa.   Lots of people out and about downtown.

Several folks are going to the Tampa RV show this weekend.    Never know when you might find something newer and better than what you have?

This morning at Cypress Trail

Tuesday - January 14

 Gloomy and chilly today.    I had 9:00 appt. at The Sanctuary for lab work for upcoming physical.    If you don't have an appt., it can be a long wait as it's first come, first serve.    But I was in and out of there before 9.   Lots of people waiting.

We had breakfast at Bob Evans and then to WalMart for a few things and on home.   Did a load of laundry.

Buddy across the street does not like Mexican food, so JoAnn and I did a girls lunch at Gomez Mexican grill (formerly Patricia's) - it was excellent their margaritas, too!   Always enjoy our visits and we sat and chatted a while and afterwards in the same shopping enter, she went to Publix, me to Dollar Tree and on home.

The colder weather has really affected JoAnn's new knee; Buddy's ankle which was replaced several months ago and my hand.   All these joints want the warm sunshine back!   And think if we were up north?

It was a good afternoon to hunker down with a blanket and good book!   

JoAnn had told us about "star" fruit a few days ago and asked if we'd ever had it?   "no".   She and Buddy went to Rooster's for produce and she brought us back a piece of star fruit.   We had it on our salads tonight....different, but pretty tasty.

Star fruit



Monday - January 13

 Summer has returned for ONE day here at CT.....80 sunny, breezy degrees.    Tomorrow, at least 10 degrees cooler.

I played canasta and Eileen, Lisa and I beat Cheryl, Ann and Dayna.    Finally a win, but win or lose, always fun!

Nifty little holder for our cards made by some of the gals!

Back home for lunch - Mark did a bunch of odd jobs and computer stuff while I was gone.   Did some laundry and then got ready for our guests to arrive at 4:30.    Had neighbors over for some drinks, snacks and chatter.

Karen and Garth from Newport, KY
Next-door neighbors, Gary and Brenda from Parkville, MO

I went to the ladies outing at Brenda (another Brenda) - at least 25 ladies there for lots of chatter.   Met several new gals and amazed and so fun to hear their stories!    Love our park and all the great folks.

Several more Christmas cards arrived today and still more coming.  Some were mailed as long ago as December 19th and we're now just getting them???    Good ole USPS.

Sunday - January 12

 Sunny cool (for Florida - 71) Sunday.    We went to 9:30 Mass with Father Robert at St. Francis.    The sanctuary has been beautifully decorated for Christmas and today ends the Christmas season with the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.    In the bulletin,, they gave a big "THANKS" to Lowe's for their help in decorating ! nice!

We went to The Oasis for breakfast - wow....big crowd.    Waited 20 minutes to be seated and then took a while to be waited on by Morgan who was efficient, just so busy.   They have outside seating which would've helped with the seating, but no one wanted to sit outside this morning when it was chilly.    Cheryl who controls the front desk, taking names, telling us where to sit, cashier, etc., etc. does a great job and been there forever - she's the owner I believe?

Walked in the afternoon and visited with neighbors (Gary and Brenda and the newbies, Garth and Karen who are renting but hope to buy - they are only 53 and 55....youngsters!!!)  Karen has done a great job setting up their patio with the furniture, plants, rocks, etc.   Very pretty and colorful.    They are only here the month of January.    Garth said they're trying to win the "renters of the year" award!    Ha!

We met Charlotte and Doug at Broadway Palm for buffet dinner and "Buddy Holly" story which was fabulous.  Anne, Liam and Connor gave me a gift certificate and we used it for this will go down as one of the best ever!    Sooo many big songs and what a treat hearing all those oldies but goodies from so long ago with great performances also by The Big Bopper and Richie Valens.......and then their bright future came to a horrific ending when all 3 were killed in a snow storm in Iowa on February 3, 1959.    Buddy was 22 and Richie only 17.    A wonderful night of great food and entertainment with dear friends!

Mark, Pat, Charlotte, Doug

Brady is back at Notre Dame for his 2nd semester starting tomorrow.   Liam and Connor have one more week left of their Christmas break.   Because of the MLK holiday, their classes start the 21st.


Maeve and Luke with their snowmen
Lovin the snow
Throwing snowballs in the hot tub

So, the NC kiddos got snow on Friday but no school tomorrow???   

Saturday - January 11

 Early morning rain but over by 9:15.   We picked Buddy and JoAnn up and off to Peter's downtown for coffee/breakfast sandwiches.   Their first visit - lots of folks enjoying their Saturday morning outing.

We waked across the street to Leoma Lovegrove's Art Gallery - JoAnn was in awe of all that COLOR and BEAUTY!   It is quite the place.   Buddy enjoyed it too (not so much the price tags - 😐) and this was Mark's 2nd visit.

On home on this dreary gloomy day,   I planted my petunias and we read, played games on our I-pads, etc.

Tonight was the Appreciation Dinner for our work campers, staff, maintenance, etc., etc. + all the residents and volunteers who make our park so special!!!    We had quesadillas and cake!   Huge crowd and great music (except too LOUD)!!!

Nice to meet new folks and a good time was had by all.


Friday - January 10

 Oh my, last night was soooo exciting with the big IRISH win.    We didn't go to bed till after midnight with all the hoopla and post game coverage.

We played euchre in the library this morning - a table of 3 (Mark, Todd and Vicki) and foursome of Cindy, Linda, Jo and myself.   Fun as always.   Then we left for Cristof's to meet friends, Dawn and Kevin for lunch.    They are from Chicago but sold their boat (just like our sail Catrina) and moved to Punta Gorda around 5 years.   We had such a nice visit on the patio on this nice 73 degree sunny day.   Hope to get together with them again soon.

Pat, Mark, Dawn, Kevin

Stopped at UPS to return an Amazon package and then to WalMart for a few groceries and I found some individual plants - red 'n white petunias! 

Nap time and quiet rest of the day.

Ryan is back from 5 days in Switzerland (working) - beautiful country but he's happy to be home!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday - January 9

 The weather report said it felt like 34 degrees this morning.....burrr.....

After breakfast, Mark ran some errands and I went to the library to play rummikub (Todd, Cindy and myself at one table) and 4 ladies at another table.)

On home for lunch and at 1:15, Joe and Joan arrived for the guys to exchange our AC in she shed.    A few years ago, it started making some funny noises, so Mark thought maybe it was on its way out and bought a new  one.   But then, of course, it has been working just fine.    So each fall, Joe comes to help take the new out out (which has been there throughout the summer when we aren't here) and replaces with old one which is working fine.    And in the spring, we'll put the new one back in.    Always fun to have them stop by and dear Joan brought all the makings for her delicious muddled old fashioneds which we enjoyed on our patio and visited.     Then to Rib City for late lunch!   They love it as much as we do!

Joan making her old fashioneds
Waiting for ribs at Rib City 
Joe and Joan

Said our good byes and on home to rest a bit before euchre at 7.   Big crowd tonight - 30 folks enjoying this fun game.    Mark and i didn't have the best cards, but always a good time playing with familiar friends and meeting new.

On home to watch Notre Dame vs. Penn State....Michael and Brady are at the game in Miami Gardens, FL.

Michael and Brady are in that crowd somewhere?

NOTRE DAME WINS 27-24.    WHAT A GAME!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago today, Mark's dad passed away unexpectedly.....Dad/ Grandpa C was such a great guy and still so missed!

Wednesday - January 8

 Chilly start to the day and eventually got to 64, but we've had a lot of smokey haze in the air - not pleasant to be out and about or have windows open.    Apparently they are doing several controlled burns in the area.    But so sad seeing the horrific, devastating fires in CA.....

After breakfast I played canasta.  Laurie and I lost (right down to the end) to Cheryl and Lisa.   On home.  Had lunch and Mark later grilled out some Italian sausages and I went to Dollar Tree for some piddlies.

Tonight we played Lucky 13 and oh my............this is by far thee most popular activity in the park and just keeps growing.    We had 160 tonight - so fun and so close to winning, but didn't happen!

Chilly walk back to Flo...nighty night!

Happy Birthday to Elvis who would've been 90 today!

Tuesday - January 7

Nippy day in Fort Myers and the news said it was the coldest afternoon in 323 days (since February 18, 2024) when that day and today reached 62 for the high.    The wind chill was 40 when we got up - darn chilly for these parts!

But the sun  was shining and we ran some errands - been on the hunt for a few (4 or 5) begonias or impatien plants.    Well, can't find just that small amount like I could in the past they are in full flats (24 or 36 plants).   Arghhh....we'll keep searching.

We drove to BJ's at Gulf Coast Town Center with Buddy and JoAnn.    Always good food and today, Mark and I had the soup/salad (he had chili and I had chicken tortilla with wedge salads.)    Buddy had mahi tacos and JoAnn, the shrimp tacos.   And then we had pizookies for dessert, BJ's specialty.....we didn't realize a mini pizookie is included in our combo lunch.    Excellent.....Mark had the triple chocolate and I had white chocolate macadamia  (warm cookies in a little skillet topped with ice cream).   Buddy and JoAnn shared the big triple chocolate pizookie.      

Macadamia white chocolate pizookie - sooo good

JoAnn and Buddy

We drove to the Riverland Nursery on Palm Beach after lunch looking for plants, but no luck.  JoAnn is doing really well with her new knee which she got December 10th - in PT here 3x a week.

 On home for naps, read and walked - a short brisk walk!

There are so many affected with colds, coughs, sore throats and laryngitis around the park and other places!    In fact, yesterday we were to have lunch with Rog and Martin but they've been sick with all of the above crud!

Stay warm and healthy!


Monday - January 6

 Very windy today here at CT.....sunny and 78 before the cold comes in tomorrow!    I did a load of laundry and then played canasta (Cheryl, Kathy and I lost to Vicki, Eileen and Deb).    Fun as always and learned more new moves and strategies.

Mark did computer stuff and ran some errands and when I got home he was ready for lunch somewhere?   He chose Farmer's Market  👍👍👍excellent comfort food.    He had fried chicken and I had the stuffed pepper special!   The folks who work here are so friendly and today, the staff gathered around Miss Evelyn and sang "Happy Birthday".   She has been a regular for lunch every day for years!   She was given a free dessert on the house and their desserts are thee best!   In fact, if they had had pineapple upside-down cake, we would've brought a piece home, but none today although a lot of other tempting choices.   

Stopped at Camping World and on home.   Mark has this big project to work on (2-person job), so after a short break, we got to it.   Supposed to take 3 hours, but much more than that.   We changed the fluid in the hot water heating system.   Don't know much more than that!   

Dennis and Jamie stopped by - hadn't seen them since they returned last week.    Mark worked with them at State Farm.

Our grand dog, Gibson had a cyst removed from his back today, so lying low with a collar and t-shirt to protect his hurtie.    Wishing him full healing!


Raining tonight and much cooler weather (for Florida) coming our way!


Sunday - January 5

 Sunny Sunday greetings.....we went to 9:30 Mass with Father Steve at St. Francis on this feast of the Epiphany,.   Then to Starbucks, Target and Home Depot.

On home to do some cleaning on Flo, organize our closet and get out some warmer clothes for the coming week.   Mark uncovered Big Red and stored some things in there out of the way.   He also went to Save-a-Lot to pick up an Amazon package

Went for a late afternoon walk but not many folks out and about - football is on, so I imagine folks are glued to their TV's.

8 siblings on zoom but had issues with the screen freezing up - we weren't the only ones with computer issues.    Jim and Lydia had problems, too, from Aruba,, Joan in Arcadia, FL and Karen in Dixon.

Saturday- January 4

 A cool sunny lovely day in Florida.   After breakfast I did some laundry and finished all the clothes organization.   Got the bins all stored away and she shed is ship shape!!!

We walked and visited with some of the neighbors and then went to Buckingham Farms, but................did something we've never done before or thought we would ever do!!!!  HA!    Drove into the parking lot and it was packed - cars everywhere!    We went inside and the line to order went all the way back to the, after standing in line a bit, decided to try another place.   Not going back there on a Saturday!

So, we remembered there was a restaurant by Publix (Riverdale Shopping Center) on Palm Beach/Buckingham called Patricia's (never been but name sounded good 😃 so thought we would try it).    Well, the name has changed to "Gomez Mexican Grill" - family owned and operated (just changed the name 4 months ago).   Authentic Mexican and wonderful - my margarita and taco salad were best I've had!    Mark had "Patricia's" enchiladas.    The family came from Chicago several years ago!   Definitely a return place!

Excellent taco salad with chicken

Some of the canasta gals were talking the other day about good Mexican places in the area....I will certainly recommend Gomez.....wonder why they changed the name???   Ha!

So proud of Anne who donated blood today and reached a milestone - she is a 12 gallon donor!   Giving the gift of LIFE............WTG, Anne

While out walking tonight we met new neighbors, Garth and Karen from Cincinnati who are here a month.    She already bought several flowers to plant - how nice!

"Blair" is on her way and could affect 60 million people with snow, ice, wind, and brutal cold!!!   

Friday - January 3

 Beautiful sunny 75 degree Friday!    We had a leisurely morning and then left for Aldi and onto McGregor Cafe to meet Connie and Steve.   We sat on the patio and enjoyed our yummy lunch (a favorite place) and caught up on each others news.   Connie and I plotted our plans for when 3 girlfriends arrive in early February and 5 days of go go go, eat, eat, eat!

Steve and Connie

Said our good byes and we'll set a date for getting together again soon.    Then to Salon by Design for a haircut with Jewel.    As always, love visiting with her and the latest with her new home going up after hurricane Ian, family news, trip to WI for Christmas, etc.

On home and at 3ish, Joan (Mark's' sister) and Joe arrived to pick up their Cricket (mini golf cart) and take back to Arcadia where they'll be in their camper for the next 3 months.   We had a good visit and then the guys loaded up the Cricket and they were on their way.   Can't wait to hang out with them for more fun times.

Joe and Joan

It is perfect for a late afternoon "walk in the park".   We met new neighbors who are renting for a few months (Ann and Duaine's place).    Connie and Tom are from Petoskey, MI.

We went to the post office yesterday to mail the final cards and get some stamps.   I had no idea what a first-class stamp costs now?    Thought in the upper 60's?    Well, it's  $.73     Yikes!    Glad they are "Forever"!!!

Winter storm "Blair" is heading to the Midwest and beyond - sounds like a doozy!    60's for us next week with lows in the low 40's.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday - January 2

 Cloudy all day and low 70's.    Mark walked, I did a load of laundry and then to the library for rummikub.   8 of us today, so 2 tables of 4 (Todd, Wendy, Anita and myself and other table was Vicki S, Vicki F, Cindy and Alan).

When I got home Mark said "Let's go to the Rum Bucket"!   Yup, don't have to ask me twice.    Always good - small crowd today.   Mark had a roast beef melt and I had the Reuben.

Sorted thru clothes this afternoon - putting wintry stuff away and organizing bins, getting Christmas ((just my little bit) put away, too.

Watched the Notre Dame vs. Georgia game - we were ahead when we left to play euchre, but was I able to keep up with the game while playing cards and very happy when Notre Dame won 23-10.   Yeah for the Irish!

Cards were not so good but still a fun time with 4 tables (George and Mike were the winners).

One of the gals in the park shared this pic tonight overlooking Sunrise Lake


New Year's 2025

 Welcome to 2025!    

We were sound asleep when the new year rolled around but so sad to wake up this morning to hear the tragic news from New Orleans.    Just as we start a brand new year, the turmoil and evil continues...God Bless the USA!

Today is the feast of the Solemnity of Mary and we went to St. Vincent de Paul for 9:00 Mass.    Great priest, homily, music, and beautiful Christmas decor.    Then to Hardees for breakfast as Mark got some gift cards and he loves their biscuits and gravy!   

Quiet afternoon but did get the cards finished!    Several RV's arrived today including John and Kathy from KY across the street.  

Mark's cold 'n cough are a little better - I'm hacking occasionally - gotta stay on top of much to do - no time to be sick!   Mark's back is better, too.....Note to self...