Wow....the last day of January - how can that be? Mark and I played euchre and today we did 5-handed with Jo, Bev, Diane, Mark and I. None of the others had ever played 5-handed, so it was fun with Mark and I each winning a game.
Home for lunch and Sharon texted that their plane had landed. Sharon (Mark's sister) and Darrell from Louisville are spending the weekend in Fort Myers (their 1st time and also to see Flo). Sharon is one of the last of Mark's siblings to visit us in FL.
I left to get a haircut from Jewel. had gotten so long (we were trying something new - it didn't work)! Ha....back to short hair for me. Always enjoy visiting with Jewel - lots of laughs, update on her new home, what's new around town, etc. Stopped at Publix (the last 2 stores we've been in are out of unsweetened iced tea)??? We've never had that problem before. Mark and I cannot handle that sweet stuff.
Sharon and Darrell checked into their hotel room and then came over to CT. We sat on the patio and visited for a few hours and then left for The Boathouse. This place is always busy and we had a 40 minute wait. Good dinners and great to continue the chatter.
Back to CT and said our good byes till tomorrow.