Wednesday - January 22

 Chilly and wet start to the day.    It rained off and on during the night.   We left with drizzle and continued all the way to Lake Wales.   We met Blue Angel friends, Richard and Linda (their son was a pilot with Ryan) at Cherry Pocket, a very unique place out in the country!    My brothers and wives have been here numerus times but 1st time for us.    We would normally eat at Crazy Fish but they are closed for remodeling,

Food was good and so enjoyed our visit, but then much more to talk about, so we went to The Ranch Coffee Shop where we went last year and continued our chatter with coffees and banana bread for Richard and Linda and a warm chocolate chip cookie for us.    They live in Kansas and spend 2 months in Dunnellon, FL.    Always enjoy our visits.    And then the Ranch was closing, so time to say good bye.    They came from the north (2 hours and 20 minutes) and same distance for us coming from the south,

Richard, Linda, Pat, Mark

No Lucky 13 for us tonight - still so many sickies in the park.

Amazing seeing all the snow in northern FL, Houston, Charleston, Mobile, etc.,   Crazy weather! 

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