July 22

Hello...I'm baaaack and it feels so good to be sitting here pecking away at these keys.    The past 6 days have been kind of a blur - I slept sooo much and just felt awful, but Mark was a great nurse, running errands, cooking, acting as secretary cancelling my social activities for the week and providing lots of TLC - what a guy!

I'm sure I was a sight lying on the couch with the cold cloth on my forehead, heating pad on my back and ice pack on my shoulder, but you do what you gotta do and whatever comfort those little things brought was well worth it.   Kidney infections are serious stuff and a real wake-up call to drink more and more water.   My brother, Bob had laser surgery Tuesday to remove 2 kidney stones - whew.....know all about those little suckers, so hope we are on the mend with both our kidney issues (definitely in our family)

  I canceled therapy on Monday, but by Wednesday morning, it was time to get back at it and I was ready (well sort of)!     After very little on my own and 5 days since I had the last stretching with Lee, I knew it would be tight and stiff, but got thru that.   Just can't let this ole shoulder rest.    That afternoon we went to my orthopedic appt...............I may need to be manipulated again.   I told the doctor that I'm having more pain and less range of motion since the manipulation/screw removal 3 weeks ago.   Well, since the 2 incisions aren't completely healed, it's going to take more time, but he did prescribe Celebrex for the pain.     I'm to go back August 5th and we'll see about the manipulation (plenty of freezing still.......ugh)!!!!   Frustrating!!!

Okay....enough about my troubles.  Feels so good to "feel good" again and back up and doing stuff.     I'm so thankful this (infection) didn't happen last week when we had the boys!

Philip, Annette and Ryan are in North Carolina this weekend visiting Michael and family for some fun times!

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