Saturday - November 28

Today we just hung out with Luke and Blair who kept us on our toes.....whew, forgot how active and busy and rambunctious 2-year olds can be!    Almost 45 years ago that Mark and I had our twins, but we were much younger, too!   HA.......there's a reason God gives us babies when we're young and grand babies at this stage of our life and then, we can give them back to Mommy and Daddy!!!!!
Mark went to St. Joseph's for 5:00 Mass....I will go in the morning!
We played outside this pretty day, played in Daisy, played with toys all over the house and just a good day.   Bath time, story time and nighty night to all....
Lots of pink at this house, but didn't bother Luke! 
Tea for two 
The inseparable I-pad
Bedtime story with Grandma
Luke was mesmerized by the Frosty the Snowman special on TV tonight

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