Tuesday - June 26

Delightful day.....Donna Rae and I got manicures; I had lunch with Claire at Panera and then home to finish up more stuff on Daisy.  Mark did more Daisy jobs and changed Toad's oil.     Said good-bye to neighbors, Candy and Marty!

Liam and Connor are spending the night - after showers and shampoos, these little guys are about ready for bed, but first playing Candy land with Grandpa.     Just a few last-minute things to put on Daisy in the morning ++++++ 2 very excited boys!  

 North Carolina, here we come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat: Safe travels on your trip to NC. Brady is spending a couple of days with us before returning home on Thursday to wait for cousins and grandparents on Friday. A busy day today for the little fellow. He caught his first fish, played dominos by himself, went out to eat and to a movie (Madagascar 3).