Saturday - February 21

Sunny, 77 degree day and after exercising and a leisurely morning, we were off to Punta Gorda.   The annual State Farm retiree luncheon was held at the Elks - small crowd this year, but still fun to see old friends and we especially enjoyed visiting with Ron and Lois from Canada over lunch.
And then to the rooftop of the Wyvern Hotel to meet 2 couples (boating friends)     We girls sipped our Pina Coladas and chatted away on this gorgeous afternoon with beautiful views.
Viv, Pat, Carol

Mike, Roger, Mark
Next stop was across the street at Laishley Crab House for dinner - very good and then to Roger and Carol's for dessert where Cy (another long-time boating friend joined us - Marcia is in Colorado skiing)!    Packed in a lot today, but so fun (good friends and good eating)!
The warm weather has returned and even tonight - no wind and so pleasant out!

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