Rainy overnight and early this morning. Mark, Marilyn and I picked Lydia up for 9:00 Mass at St. Vincent de Paul for Ash Wednesday. Back home to pick up Jim and on our way to the beach.
Traffic was not bad. We met Doris and Rich at Flippers for delicious lunch Weather was so strange - very foggy and hazy over the water and at times the tall high rises were totally invisible. But then the skies cleared, the sun came out and it was sooo pretty. Doris took the guys back to her condo and Lydia, Marilyn and I shopped at Santini Plaza for T-shirts for Marilyn's friend back home. She got 2 really nice ones in pretty Floridian colors (orange and turquoise).
We went to Doris, had the tour of her very nice condo overlooking Fort Myers Beach and enjoyed some good visiting. Then it was time to say our good byes - sure have enjoyed visits with the Chamberlain siblings these past few weeks.
Lydia, Pat, Mark, Marilyn, Doris, Rich, Jim
Outside Flippers
Pat, Mark, Marilyn
Lydia and Marilyn searching for shell treasures to take home
The Siblings
Mark, Jim, Marilyn, Doris (8 absent)
No school today for Liam and Connor with 3" of snow, blowing and drifting.
Tonight Jim, Lydia, Marilyn, Mark and I went on the Murder Mystery Dinner Train trip to
Punta Gorda. We boarded the train around 6, departed at 6:30 and enjoyed a delicious 5-course dinner and "attempted" to solve who "murderer" is while getting various clues from the cast of 6 characters presenting "In the Dead of Noir". The rain started coming down shortly after we departed and was coming down in sheets against the window, but we were warm and cozy inside.
Mark and I enjoyed sitting with Zach and Holly from Rochester MN. Jim, Lydia and Marilyn were across the aisle. Zach and Holly were visiting Fort Myers for the first time ever and taking in as many attractions as possible. They also are BIG Minnesota Twins fans and had been to 4 games this week.

Zach and Holly
The Murder Mystery Dinner Train has been in existence since 1991. The 4 vintage cars hold 208 passengers and all food is prepared fresh onboard. We had 196 on our trip. They do these trips from Fort Myers to Punta Gorda 5 nights a week. They are put on by the Fay family and the Seminole Gulf Railway.
It was late when we got home last night and so tired, so finishing up the blog this Thursday morning.