Saturday - November 14

 HUMID......   Very cloudy and overcast, too....occasional sun but then, really drippy!

Did some short walks - more big rigs arrived today including across from us - (Oregon) and there goes our view of the water and fountain!

Ryan update is more encouraging.    Took him off BP med and woke him briefly - he moved his arms on command.    Prayers ongoing.....Still on ventilator

Visited with Lydia this afternoon and then on home to cool down.

How about some more flowers -  pretty Hibiscus colors in the park!   So vibrant!

We are watching on YouTube "Saints Alive" (fund raiser) for CCHS (our kids alma mater and where Liam and Connor attend).  This annual dinner/auction is always in the spring, but because of covid, didn't happen, so having a fall event this year virtually.    

Received some good news a short time ago....Ryan (nephew) has improved dramatically tonight - still on ventilator and dialysis but the pancreatitis and infection are improving   Now to get the kidneys functioning.    Prayers are working....thank you and keep at 'em!


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