Saturday - A good nights sleep for all......Luke and Maeve on Flo with their G and G and Philip and Annette at a nearby Airbnb. We met for breakfast at Buckingham Farms and another great meal along with the kiddos getting to see Booger, the huge tortoise. It's a gorgeous day and we are off and running.....the kiddos stopped at CVS for a few things and then came to Flo, changed into swimsuits (except for Grandma) and off to the pool. We had a nice shady spot and spread out our stuff. The NC crew enjoyed the hot tub, we played LRC and then Philip and Annette played pickleball and we took Luke and Maeve for a walk to say good bye to Mark and Brenda who are headed back to Ohio early tomorrow in their new Airstream. We enjoyed Tom (Mark's youngest brother) and Beth's visit - they are on a 2-week whirlwind trip on both coasts of FL and a quick stop (wanted to see Philip and family) before heading to Estero and then Marco Island. We'll be together Tuesday night for dinner.

Daddy and his sweet Maeve
Pool time at Cypress Trail
This little gal loves to pose - wearing her new shades
Mark, Pat, Maeve, Tom, Beth, Annette, Philip
and awesome photographer, Luke
Jim and Lydia picked Mark and me up at 4:45 (Philip is driving his family around in my car this weekend) and we were all off to The Boathouse for dinner. This place is always busy and even though we "thought" and "hoped" we were early enough to beat the really big crowd, still had a 45 minute wait. But we had perfect weather, cool beverages and lots of visiting during the wait. Had a nice hi-top table near the water (very breezy and cooled down quickly). All enjoyed our meals and of course, the guys on one end chatting and we gals with the little ones on the other end talking non-stop! Ha.....we do that so well! On home and ready for bed - been a big day with water/sun/breeze.
Waiting for our table at The Boathouse
Pat, Jim, Lydia, Luke, Annette, Maeve, Philip, Mark
Mommy and kiddos relaxing in the BIG chair
Sunday - the kiddos woke up at 7:30 and with Grandpa's help, they got their showers/shampoos and all dressed for 9:30 Mass at St. Francis Xavier. We had wanted to have breakfast at Ella Mae's Diner downtown but an hour wait, so we checked the First Street Restaurant (45-minute-1 hour wait). So....onto Ford's Garage (now it's lunch time....) but tah dah, we were able to get a table in the sunshine and they serve a Sunday brunch which we didn't know. All very pleased with our meals again.
Grandma and Maeve enjoying breakfast at Ford's Garage
The birthday girl (Lydia)
More birthday fun for Lydia
Mommy and Maeve under the banana tree
Bill and Penney Keadey from NC are friends of Philip and Annette's friends at Lake James.
Their lot is just around the corner from Flo.
Posing with the pretty lilac flowers
Doing what they do best - love their techie stuff!
Came home, changed clothes and walked towards Jim and Lydia's to give the birthday girl (Lydia) some treats. She was out walking, too, so we met on the street, gave her a bouquet of flowers, a chocolate cake (Buckingham Farms) and card. She's having a fun day....
We spent some time in the clubhouse - Maeve wanted to do a puzzle, but all with at least 300+ pieces (most were 500-1000) so, played war (Mommy, Grandma and Maeve) with Maeve the winner. Played blitz with Philip and Luke and Philip, the winner. Luke and Grandpa played some pool, too. Back to Flo and we adults played euchre on the patio. Had some snacks and later went for a walk and ordered pizza from Sir Pizza which Mark and Philip picked up. Another fun day!
Monday - lots of sunshine but warmer temps today. Philip and Annette came over around 8:20, got the kiddos stuff all packed up and they left at 8:55. Philip drove my car and will keep in Fort Lauderdale for a few weeks till he drives it back to Lake James while we're there. Appreciate him doing this as it saves me from having to drive this first leg of our trip (Fort Myers to NC). And he'll have a car when he's working in FL which he usually does not have. Said our good byes with hugs and kisses but nice to know we'll see them again in mid April.
Final payment for jobs well done!
Bye bye kiddos....come see us again!
Mark and I started on the laundry (he's doing all the lifting and folding). Philip and Annette were great at washing the dishes! And the little folks helped with garbage take-out, watering the flowers, etc.
Enjoying a down day - staying indoors and getting some R 'n R. Mark's back has been acting up, too! Arghhhh. He has appt. with orthopedic doctor when we return to Bloomington end of April.
Beautiful roses from Luke and Maeve
We had a gift card to "Scoop Me Up" so, that was supper (delicious sundaes). Since it was supper, not counting as a dessert! π
I so appreciate all the thoughtful texts checking on me from family and friends. Other than an occasional little twinge or stretchy feeling, I'm feeling fine. Just hard holding me back from doing things. But I do have an awesome caregiver.....making the bed, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc., etc. He's the best!!!