Sunday, March 6

70% chance of rain today, but just a few sprinkles and most of the day was sunny and warm!    Mark and I met Bob and Annette at 9:00 Mass at St. Joseph - great choir, trumpet player and neat priest!

I rode back with them and Mark went on back to get Daisy ready to hit the road again.....Toad hooked up, etc.    Had more yummy bagels and parfaits from Panera (THANKS, Annette) and then got down to the serious business of euchre!    FUN....even gave out prizes for our marathon game weekend!    Enjoyed chicken and potato salad leftovers and then we said our good-byes and away we went!

As most of you know, I have no sisters and when Mark and I married, I instantly gained "10" new sisters!  And with an additional 4 sisters-in-law (we each have 2 brothers), I am so blessed to have these great gals in my life!    We all have so much fun and really enjoy our time together!

Ron and Bob enjoying a bike ride around the park
Pat, Annette and Mark

   Settled at the Holiday Travel RV Park in Leesburg (did 3 loads of laundry) and looking forward to spending time with 2 long-time couple friends the next 2 days!

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