It's Sunday evening and we are settled in Kuttawa, KY after traveling in the bitter cold all day. When we left Dixon this morning, it was -4 and got all the way to 21 degrees. We drove over 150 miles till we finally ran out of snow. Fortunately, the roads were clear from Bloomington on....We stopped at our storage unit and packed up our FL/boat stuff, and left the heavy winter coats and boots behind. Then we were off to the Pepsi Ice Arena to see the Campbell's. Liam had just finished his game (he scored 2 goals and his team won 5-2). We said our good-byes and sure hope we'll see them in FL for spring break in late March.
We shared the driving (I drove about 2 hours) and enjoyed the Christmas tunes.
It was a fun weekend with the Chamberlains!. We had a leisurely day on Saturday playing games and leaving the hotel late morning for the Holloway Center where our party would be. Big majority of the family came on Saturday and while we were expecting 91, we were 6 short cause of illness, bad road conditions, etc.
We went to 4:30 at St. Patrick's and then enjoyed a wonderful dinner prepared by several of the sisters. Soooo much good food and homemade pies and cookies out the ying yang!
Our big gift exchange was afterwards and then back to the hotel for more games/cards and laughs.
It was so fun seeing several of the great grandchildren having fun and all the babies. Our nephew, John brought Mandy and their 4 kids from Hawaii....great to see them and meet Baby Henry!
Janet (Mark's sister) and I cuddling our twin great nephews who were born in September weighing around 3 lbs. each and now almost 7 lbs. Sooo teeny tiny.
I've got Keegan and Janet has Payton (named after Walter....big Bears star)
It was so fun seeing several of the great grandchildren having fun and all the babies. Our nephew, John brought Mandy and their 4 kids from Hawaii....great to see them and meet Baby Henry!
Janet (Mark's sister) and I cuddling our twin great nephews who were born in September weighing around 3 lbs. each and now almost 7 lbs. Sooo teeny tiny.
I've got Keegan and Janet has Payton (named after Walter....big Bears star)
Tonight after getting to our hotel, we bundled up and walked across the street to The Oasis Southwest Grill for dinner. When we checked in, the hostess asked us "Smoking or Non? Really? Haven't been asked that in a very long time, but we're in KY, the land of tobacco, so....
Dinner was good and now back in our room!
Ryan and his friend, Matt are in St. Augustine tonight - they will keep on cruising till Tuesday and then take a break till after Christmas.
When we left Dixon this morning, we have 1500 miles to Philip and Annette's.
Mark has been wearing Christmas socks the month of December for years and years - while he was still working and since. Here are just a few of his favorites....
Christmassy stripes
More stripes
Here's Blair helping Mommy make the rollo treats with pretzels and M and M's.

Little Suzy Homemaker
Can't believe how long her hair has grown!
Hope this last week before Christmas finds you sane, not-to-stressed, warm and
savoring the joys of the season.
Mark has been wearing Christmas socks the month of December for years and years - while he was still working and since. Here are just a few of his favorites....
Cute gingerbread
Christmassy stripes
More stripes
Here's Blair helping Mommy make the rollo treats with pretzels and M and M's.

Little Suzy Homemaker
Can't believe how long her hair has grown!
Hope this last week before Christmas finds you sane, not-to-stressed, warm and
savoring the joys of the season.
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