Saturday - July 4

Happy Birthday America!
244 years STRONG!

Beautiful day in Wilbur....after breakfast, we took off for the Grand Coulee Dam about 20 miles northwest of here.   What a pretty drive.    We drove a perfectly straight road for 12 miles and then lots of curves and hills (rocky and grassy terrain) and near the Colville Indian Reservation   The dam is quite something and much larger than the Hoover Dam.    The amount of concrete used would build a highway from Seattle to Miami.

    It provides more electricity than 3 Hoover Dams and provides power for 4.2 million across 11 states and Canada.

We parked Big Red and walked towards the dam and then back into town.    The visitor's center and the paved walkway + upper bridge road are all closed.    We met no one along the way.    A few people were in the town of Grand Coulee where we stopped for iced coffee and shared a big ole delish chocolate chip cookie from the Voltage  Coffee House.

Here are some sights we enjoyed...


Mark's hometown - Dixon, IL has "Dixon in Bloom" with their magnificent petunias every year.   Although there's no "Petunia Festival" this year, my friend, Shirley and her committee have once again made these blooms soo very beautiful all over town!
Dixon in Bloom
The Blue Angels flying over Mount Rushmore last night!
My heart is bursting with pride!

We watched the 4th of July celebration from Washington, DC tonight - WOW!     So much patriotism as the flyovers were announced by Rob Ryder (friend of Ryan's) whom we've met at air shows.  And all that awesome music. It was a beautiful tribute to our country and such a pleasure and proud moment to savor it all before we're back to remembering the turmoil we are all facing.

No fireworks here in, we watched the "Salute to America" from Mount Rushmore last night.    My oh my......phenomenal with thee best music.   If you didn't see it, highly recommend it - blew us away!!!    God bless America!!!

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