Thursday - July 30

Bye bye to Oregon but oh what beauty we saw this last day along Highway 20.    A portion was nice straight roads, but then....winding, twisting and curvy as we went past so many mountain ranges along the meandering Malheur River.     About 1 hour into out trip, we returned to mountain time and "lost" an hour.

Stopped in Vail, OR for some cold drinks at The Perk Beverage Co. At times we saw livestock and just amazed at how little they had to eat.    While there was lots of irrigation going on (hay fields), nothing for these cows???    There was one very large herd and all were munching on dirt.   It was a big operation so have to feed them grain somewhere?    Everything is so far apart.....and after seeing cattle here and there, you wonder where they came from?   NOTHING anywhere near civilization for miles?

Getting to the end of OR, we started seeing corn fields (was not expecting that) and then potato fields and many fields of onions - Ontario, OR is "Onion Country of the USA."    Wed stopped in Ontario and picked up lunch from Jack in the Box and it wasn't much later that we were entering Idaho.   From Ontario on, we were on I-84 (50 miles) to Caldwell, ID (23 miles from Boise).

Soon as we got on the interstate, it was very flat with farmland in the distance but all the mountains were far away.   The humidity was 27% and temp did get to 100.

Some of today's scenery

We arrived at the Ambassador RV Resort on the outskirts of Caldwell around 1:30 (traveled total of 164 miles).    This park has 191 sites and very nice - just too hot to do much walking or biking.   We are here 2 nights     This is definitely an AC day and probably will be that for the next many days.

Kathy, Claire and I did zoom but did not have a good connection so not one of our best sessions and really frustrating!   Our internet here is not very fast.

We walked a few streets in the park around 8:30 but so beastly hot at 99...   





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