Tuesday - September 29

Today is National Coffee Day and I did my part having 2 treats at Starbucks - 1st one this morning when I was running a few errands (cinnamon dolce latte) and then a warmer upper this afternoon with the girls (pumpkin spice)...
Linda, Vicki, Sue and Vereen taking a break from shopping
My sisters-in-law, Linda and Vicki and their friends, Sue and Vereen came.   Linda had appointment at the eye doctor and then we were off to shop, meet up with the others over lunch at Destihl, shopping, Starbucks, shopping and then I said good-bye and was off to therapy.
I had Jim today and told him how sore my neck has been since last Friday's 1st traction treatment.   He said that is not unusual after 1session.   He strictly focused on the neck (shoulder is doing great) and did a wonderful massage, ultrasound and then 10 minutes and 8# of pressure for the traction.
Time will tell....
Back to Daisy at 5:15.....we had BLT's for supper and happy to be in.    The temperature dropped earlier today and been very windy.....fall is here!!!

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