Friday-Sunday, January 15-17

What a was pouring buckets when we left at 7:20 for yoga and rained hard the entire time we were there and afterwards when we had breakfast at Pogey's.    Stopped back at Daisy to pick up our things and on our way to Lake Worth.    Stopped at the mall and picked up my new prescription sun glasses at Lenscrafters that I ordered last time we were here.    Got to Luke's house around noon and had pizza and chicken chili.    We played euchre in the afternoon while Luke napped and then the guys went to Home Depot.
And then a very unusual occurrence in South Florida.....Annette and my phones started shrilling with the weather alert and we were under a tornado warning....the winds picked up, sky was very dark and the downpour began.   With no basements to run to for coverage, we just waited out the storm (kept to middle of house).    Thankfully, no damage that we heard of.....
Annette, Luke and Grandma decorated a gingerbread house...
This is fun sticking all the candies to the frosting 
Mommy takes a selfie
Luke is so proud of his finished project!
More euchre - Philip and I usually get trounced by Mark and Annette.....occasionally we win a game, but so glad Philip wants to play after all these years - euchre was never his thing, but now in the groove with rest of the family (well kind of)???
Yummy dinner of  pei wei (carry out) and then enjoyed the hot tub before bedtime!

Today would have been Mark's parents' 70th wedding anniversary!
Saturday was absolutely gorgeous - after all the rain and storms from yesterday, today dawned bright and sunny and mid 70's (definitely our best day so far this winter in Florida).
After yummy scrambled eggs (with lots of veggies inside) and English muffins, we snuck in one more game of euchre before Luke got up at 9:45.   We drove to the Palm Beach Equestrian Center - what an experience seeing all these young people riding their horses and jumping and other various maneuvers - this place has $$$ signs big time - the landscaping alone blew me away with abundant lush blooms and palm trees, many shops, places to dine, etc.   There were so many well-dressed riders and of course, all the horses and these folks are from all over the country coming here on the weekends for competition.   A neat experience.    We ate lunch at Tito Taco's and on home. 
Philip, Luke, Annette
Luke with his G and G
After Luke went down for his nap, Grandpa and I went for a 5-mile bike ride and then
 back to the cards.
Philip and Annette went to 4:30 Mass at St. Therese de Lisieux 
Luke and grandpa acting goofy
After naptime, let's put up the feet, get comfy, have a snack and watch a video! 
Life is good in "Luke Land"
Annette had a big pot of sausage/zucchini w/other veggies/tomatoes, etc.simmering on the stove all afternoon.    We had salad, crusty bread and this delicious "stew" served over ravioli, along with an excellent cabernet.    Played more cards and ended the day with turtle pie.   Philip went to bed around 8ish as he has to get up early tomorrow for work.   Annette, Mark and I played 3-handed euchre.
More weird weather early this morning as we heard the tragic story of the tornadoes that hit  near Tampa killing 2 adults and injuring 4 children in a mobile home.  So sad to see all the devastation and damage.   Philip was up early (4:30 AM) and off to work.    Mark and I went to 9:30 Mass at St. Therese de Lisieux - absolutely love going to mass here - I've talked about their incredible choir before and of all the churches we've visited, this husband/wife (choir directors) along with the large choir, plus violins, guitars, piano, etc. are outstanding!    Great sermon by Father Steve, too.
Back home to play 2 games of 3-handed euchre with Annette and then said our good-byes and got good cuddles from Luke and we were off to Stuart.   
One more quick pic with our little man
 We drove around some familiar areas from when we had Catrina here in 2013 and had lunch at Manatee Island (wow....cant beat the great eating in FL with coconut shrimp, grouper Reuben and mango pork barb-b-que on a pretzel roll. 
 All excellent.
We drove around more condos (no open houses today) and past some very affluent areas.   The downtown was jam packed with shoppers this Sunday afternoon and 2 young boys were selling parking spots for $10 a few blocks from town.
We stopped at The Importico Bakery and Café for coffees and then left for home.   Enjoyed this time in Stuart and love all the various neat areas to explore and check out!
Arrived back on Daisy around 3:30 but sure was a fun weekend in Lake Worth and Stuart!
Tonight Anne and Connor are going to the Jason Aldean concert at the Coliseum in Bloomington   Anne won the tickets - how fun for them at this sold-out event!  
 And no school tomorrow for Connor in observance of MLK.
Date night waiting for the concert to begin!


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