Monday - Janury 18

Burrrr...another nippy morning (Okeechobee 45 - Bloomington 2 with a wind chill of -17)   Yikes....
We went to yoga - really enjoy these gals but no men have come forth.   Mark does his own thing - so proud he's hanging in there!    Afterwards we had breakfast at Gladys' and then got the car washed and stopped at Dollar Tree.
On our way home, we checked out another storage place and think that's where we'll park Daisy while we're gone for 2 weeks in March.
Walked around the park several times and then Sue from Oklahoma joined me for a few more rounds.   She's a lot of fun and usually the most chatty at Happy Hour.   
Mark and I went to the scenic rim (around the lake) - he rode his bike and I walked and ran (just getting into this).....using a simple app on my phone that Brooke told me about alternating walking and running and starting out S L O W L Y and gradually working my way up up and away!!!   We'll see about this running...
After a late lunch I rode my bike around the park.    good day of exercise.   Ready to hibernate inside Daisy.   Mark went to Happy Hour for about an hour and then the cold got to all the diehards and they all skedaddled back to their RV's.
Plenty of sunshine today with a high of 64 and a bit breezy
Today would have been Mom and Dad's 77th wedding anniversary!

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