Wednesday - January 6

Very cloudy and overcast this morning; sun came out very briefly and then the rain followed by clouds, rain, clouds....all day long, just little brief showers and most from the east (unusual)!
Since it was a good day to be indoors, we did more cleaning, pitching, organizing.   After lunch and since the sky/radar didn't look too bad, we drove 2 miles to an entrance to the rim (walkway or trail for bikes and walkers that goes entirely around Lake Okeechobee - distance of 110 miles).
I walked 3 miles and could've gone on and's great and no one around, but the skies were threatening again, so we came back and shortly after, the rain came down!
So....we hunkered down, played some 2-handed euchre (I won 2 out of 3) and read/did computer stuff.
Mark grilled out cheeseburgers - yummy!
Tomorrow we are off to Lake Worth and Lukeville for another Christmas celebration and lunch with our friend and former neighbor, Susie!

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