Sunday - January 31 can it possibly be the last day of January?    
Time marches on.....and much too fast for me!   
Mark was up early and off to 7:30 Mass at Sacred Heart in Okeechobee.    Luke and I slept in and then we had pancakes for breakfast and just a leisurely morning on Daisy.
Good morning everyone!
Grandpa walked and Luke rode his bat mobile around the park several times.  
Luke riding and Grandpa walking as Mr. Gary watches

Luke loved this happy hour sign at Mr. John's RV as it went round and round!
Grandma did her walk, we had lunch and then ....Luke did NOT nap today!   Just laid in his little bed perfectly quiet, but never did klunk out!   What?   This is the guy who normally takes a 4-hour nap!! 
 Luke's little bed on top of the kitchen table with lots of cushions and this board his Daddy made

Sure looks like he's almost off to dreamland, but didn't happen!
Philip arrived at 5 to pick him up - he was sooo excited to see his Da Da
I'm back with my Daddy and not letting go..
Bye bye sweet Luke - thanks for coming!
Michael and his friend, Randy are going to the Super Bowl - so excited for him and that he'll get to spend a little time with Ryan.
Miss Belle, our yoga instructor, gave Mark 2 lemons from tree in her backyard on Wednesday (yes, he did go to class without me)!!!    Today I made some fresh-squeezed lemonade
yum, yum, yummy!
I was hoping to get a lemon shake-up yesterday at the carnival, but no one had them?    What kind of carnival is that?    Thought those were a staple like corn dogs, cotton candy, elephant ears, etc.
Hope it's a great week sun today, but supposed to be much warmer in the days ahead!

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