March 11

Status according to Pat:   It was a Very good day. Much walking, step climbing up and down, and various other therapy. She even got in a little "retail" therapy thanks to Arnel.  They went past the hospital gift shop and she got to browse as long as she wanted.  Let's see--- that means she only missed shopping for 8 days!

A nice treat this evening was a visit from her brothers and sisters-in-law,  Linda, Vicki, Ron, and Bob from Lakeland, FL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pat: What a week means HUH!!! in your feeling better. It will take time, but just think of all that you have done the last few days. Off tomorrow to see our Drewby in his play. He is a cat and has one line. They did the play tonight for the parents and tomorrow is Grandparents' Day at Concordia. Brooke said he was a little nervous, but looked at the teacher and did great. Davis and Brady are going to sing tomorrow too. Brady loves to sing most of the time so we will see how much he sings in the morning. I am so happy you had a great day so keep up the good work. Will try to send a regular email (one of my books) later this weekend. Good night!!!!!!!! JudyB