March 25

Greetings on a very wet afternoon/evening here in Apalach!      Started our day with breakfast at Caroline's, old FL hotel/restaurant that's been a fixture here for 30+ years.    We were told the pancakes were the best....they were!!!!    And our waitress made my day when she kept calling me "Milady" (love this southern hospitality).  Made some major waves on Catrina getting stuff stowed away and general tidying up.    Mark has carried the "LOAD" for 3 weeks, so feels good to do little things here and there.    He did all the laundry today, too!!!!

This afternoon, my Captain was in need of an ice cream fix, so we went downtown  to the neat old-fashioned soda fountain featuring all the flavors of blue bell ice cream (love it)!   While enjoying our rocky road and moo-lennium (chocolate, caramel, almonds, walnuts and pecans) cones, the heavens opened up and in just a short time, it turned into a deluge with wind and street flooding.    We did get back to Catrina when it let up a bit, but started up again and just rained and rained, thunder and lightening for 2 1/2 hours.   Our weather radio went off twice about potential water spouts and to get off the gulf into a safe harbor.

About time for my 3rd therapy exercises of the day.........Tom told me to drink lots and lots and lots of water as this will help with the healing process.    Tomorrow's session is at 12:30.   It's Lent, so time for extra penance!!!   And's your favorite blogger

Pat wouldn't let me off the hook even for one nite.  Looks like I've got a challenge on my hands getting out of the 'blog job'.   People have been asking about my injuries.  For a while my left leg and knee were really sore, but I'm starting to feel much better.  I don't limp until it is the end of the day and my leg is tired.   Hopefully it is just a very bruised bone which is healing as expected.  Just tough to admit that we heal slower as we get older.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark and Pat! It's a bummer alright for us over 50 to heal slower like everything else, but that's OK, we're not in a big rush anymore especially since you guys are retired. Enjoy each day together-that's what Jim and I are doing since we have the "empty nest syndrome." Glad to hear, Mark your leg is feeling better. Pat, when Tom tells you to drink lots of water, there is such a thing as drinking too much H2O that you create an electrolyte imbalance so careful-moderate amount.
Jim and I are going out of town this weekend to check out the big Minneapolis Mall and a little R & R. It'll be nice to get away for the weekend.
Glad you're doing better, Pat. You sound like such a perfect patient.
Take care,
Jim and Lydia