April 16

Rainy morning and Mark and I were off to orthopedic doctor  who said my shoulder is healing well.   More x-rays in 4 weeks.   Bummer that therapy is fully booked till next Friday when I will be evaluated but I'll be continuing for 20 minutes 2x a day at home.

Then to eye doctor and extensive testing, dilation, etc., but that diagnosis is vitreous gel in the retina has broken loose causing floaters and lightning strikes.   The accident probably triggered this, but most likely would've happened in a few years with the "aging process".    And now hearing of more folks who have experienced this - similar symptoms for detached retina.    So.....very thankful for two good appointments today!

Mark and I had pictures taken for church directory and ran a few errands this afternoon.  Turned out to be a very pretty day!

Ryan hasn't been "home" home since Christmas of 2008.    His Mama wishes she could prepare his favorites, but since I'm not doing much of anything in the kitchen.........we met Anne, Liam and Connor at Monical's for pizza (Ryan's choice and must-eat spot when any of our kids are home).    Fun time!
The "Navy" Boys

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