Monday - February 3

 Warm day but mostly cloudy.    I played canasta and a very close game, but Lisa, Nancy and I came out the winners against Lynn, Ann and Jo.

On home for lunch and did a load of laundry.   Mark ran some errands.   

My dear friends Sue and Brenda flew in today from Bloomington.     I picked them up at their hotel at 4:30 and we were off to the Prawnbroker where we met Connie.   This is a favorite for each of us and we all enjoyed the crunchy shrimp, sweet potato and green beans + lots of yakkety yak.

Said our good byes to Connie and took the girls back to their hotel.    We have an early start to our day tomorrow as we're going on a cruise from Captiva to Cabbage Key.

Connie, Pat, Brenda, Sue
Our visiting friends from IL
Brenda and Sue

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