Saturday - February 8

 Mark left to mail the grandkids Valentines and stopped at Hardees for his usual fix of biscuits and gravy.   He brought a biscuit back for me

A heart-shaped biscuit
cute and yummy

I set off to run some errands this morning and use a few coupons for my upcoming birthday from Soma and Chico's.    Back home for lunch but when I went to open the microwave, it did not open....long story short, a little springy thingy broke and Mark decided to fix would be more costly and may be hard to repair, that we could just get a new one.

So off he went to Best Buy (did some studying online) and bought a convection microwave with air fryer!    He will probably install tomorrow as we were then off to the 2nd Annual Rib Fest here in the park - huge crowd on this lovely warm evening.    The ribs were excellent, along with baked beans, au gratin potatoes and cornbread.    Met Ron and Erica at our table and also sat with Brenda and Gary (neighbors) and Scott and Violet (work campers).    And then the band started and the music (as always) was very loud and just impossible to visit, so we grabbed a bag of ice and headed home.

A few days ago we started having problems with our hot water supply unit.....arghhhh.   Still pondering that one.    Mark wonders why Flo is on a mission to keep him busy???

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