Sunday - February 16

 Very warm and very windy today!    We went to St. Francis at 9:30 with Father Steve and then took Ruby thru the car wash and on home.

A lazy, took a nap and just a quiet day on Flo.   We did walk in the afternoon (gotta get back in that groove).

Mark's sister Janet and Michael were to fly in from Rockford, IL today, but their flight was delayed because of heavy air traffic or as Philip suggests - a big shortage of air traffic controllers!    Originally they said a 4-hour delay, but turned out to be 2 hrs. and 20 minutes.

Jim, Lydia, Janet, Michael, Mark and I were to all have dinner at Pincher's, but with their delay, we went ahead and had a great meal.    Afterwards we stopped at their vrbo which they have for the week - such a cute little house!

The brothers
and "Sisters"

After dinner, we drove to see Mike and Janet and welcome them to FL and so looking forward to a fun week ahead.   They were going downtown to find some food!    We came back to CT and dropped off Jim and Lydia's and on home.

Janet and Michael

Zoom tonight with only 6 siblings - health issues, COLD weather coming to the Midwest, Theresa will be renting out their NC home for 5 months, etc., etc.

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