Friday - July 20

Left the campground around 9:20, picked up our rental car and 7 hours later we were in NC at Michael and Brooke's.    Rained a bit off and on and cooler here than coming thru VA when it was still in the 90's.

Mark's Dad is in the hospital - borderline pneumonia?    Feeling better tonight and hopefully, will come home tomorrow...

Drew is coming home later tonight from Myrtle Beach where he's been vacationing with friends.    The plan is for us to leave Sunday with the little darlins' and head back to Daisy.

Watching the news and horrific tragedy in Colorado.....oh my...prayers for the victims and their families

Now here's picture of those chicks I promised................

Cute, eh???

Grandma and Brady

Had a nice dinner (seafood smorgasbord) at the Club!  

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