Thursday - May 28

Started out foggy this morning, but then turned warm and sunny!    Boys were off to school, Drew slept in till 11 and Blair was her usual busy self chatting away!    She says lots of words we can understand, but also, a lot of just jabber, jabber and so much of the time, she's on a phone (remote, my phone, her little phones, bottle of lotion, anything she can find!
I did 1 load of laundry and worked on the Blue Angel program.    Mark did a few fix-it projects around the house and we played outside with Blair.
Blair loves Elmo 
Swinging with Davis 
Cruisin' in her little pink coupe 
Helping Grandpa push the big garbage can 
Liam and Connor have a new ping pong table!
The boys wanted Five Guys for supper, so Drew and Grandpa picked it up (so easy to order online) and we had our "grease fix!"       Stormy night here and pouring as I write this.
Made Mark's lunch for tomorrow (Brady took care of his - Mr. Independent)!    They are going on a field trip with Brady's class to the Asheboro Zoo tomorrow (about a 2-hour trip).   Big day as they are leaving at 8:30 and returning at 6.
Liam and Connor won their baseball game tonight - been getting rained out a lot lately.    They are now 2-2.

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