Monday - February 15

Very cloudy today....we left Siesta Bay (Mark driving Daisy and me in Toad) and parked in the Target lot across the street from Biscotti.    Met Glen and Paula there for breakfast which was excellent.....Mark had the French toast which they made and sell the bread there; Glen had a breakfast sandwich, and Paula and I had omelets that were sooooo good!   As I've always said, I hate good-byes and all week long, after meeting and eating and shopping with so many dear friends, there finally comes the time to say "good-bye".   And Glen and Paula were our last hurrah in Fort Myers for awhile.   (Planning to stop back in March for a few days).    Most of these folks we won't see for another year - God willing!
Daisy was thirsty for propane and gas so Mark took care of her needs while I took Toad to Publix.    Weather has been so weird....started raining off and on this afternoon and really heavy at times?
We arrived back "home" to our little group of friends and fellow RV'ers around 2:00.
Saturday when I was doing my walk/run, I briefly tripped but didn't fall and kept on (took only seconds and vaguely remember any of it), but obviously twisted my ankle cause I've been hobbling off and on since.   Doesn't hurt till I walk and then not really bad, but going to curtail my walking/running for a bit!     The 1st Blue Angel Female Family/Friends/Fans are putting together a marathon for November 13, the day after Homecoming and end of the season.    Well, I am not a runner, but promised these gals I would give it a try.....Brooke told Anne and me about an app on our phones to train for a 5K.  
We shall see and time will tell!!!
One interesting note....I googled sprained ankles and an interesting tidbit came up:
25,000 people sprain their ankles EVERY day!!!
We played some 2-handed euchre tonight - 1st time in a long time and I won 2 out of 3!

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